Canon Event

323 19 62


Get ready.


"You're just mad I said it first boss man." Hobie smirked.

Miguel ignored him stomping his way over to you. "Take it off." he ordered. You staggered back from him before straightening up, the suit making a cool vibrating sound at your posture change. The plating clicked as you rolled your shoulders. "No." you responded.

He had no idea how burned you were after what he said to you. He really had no clue. You were damn near willing to run a fist through his perfectly cut jaw. And with this suit... you might actually make a dent. Maybe it was a bad idea giving it to you.

'I'm done being this man's damn toy. He can't just lock me up, order me around, and then play with me when no one's looking. He can use one of his Spiderman 2099 fangirls for that. I gave him sympathy... I gave him respect... and he turned it all around yesterday. Respect and understanding... he can shove it up that tight ass of his.'

The suit gave you an extra few inches making you stand taller than normal in front of him. His jaw clenched as his eyes dragged over you in the mech. The black metal held you in all the right places. It gave you a stronger, more intimidating appearance. Broadening your shoulders, sculpting your legs, overlapping every muscle perfectly with a cold metal. You saw a vein in his neck pulse as his shoulders tensed. The HUD inside your helmet ran quick scans, a graph overlapping his face and body before a pop-up window showed up to the left of your face.

" Warning: Person vitals scanned. Multiple readings signifying heightened hormone levels. Hormones identified; cortisol, adrenaline, testosterone. Person's intentions may vary from hostile to sexual. Proceed with caution."

' YEAH NO KIDDING! Didn't need a whole bio scan to tell me he's pissed off! I-  wait... hostile and what? '

"Take. It. Off. " his words cut through the air. You took a heavy step towards him dismissing his clear demand. His eyes slightly widened as you got closer. "Take it from me." you challenged.

Gwen tensed watching the interaction, it was just like the first time you two met but only this time you weren't defending her. And you actually sounded pissed. She's never heard you talk that way, never heard that tone in your voice. It was weighted like steel. You were always so sweet and polite with everyone you came across even if they gave you attitude. It took a lot to get you worked up... whatever was going on between you and Miguel must've been more than just bickering from yesterday. Hobie didn't bother trying to hide the smirk forming on his lips at the sight of you. Noir also had an amused expression behind his grey mask. Ben on the other was shaking as he watched, ready to jump for you if Miguel lashed out. Peter and Jess nervously exchanged glances debating who should step in... or if it's even worth the risk.

"You really want to take it there?" Miguel's voice dropped even lower. "Don't think you're safe in that. I'll rip you out of it and remind you exactly what kind of position you're in. You're in my dimension, my world, my society." he threatened. You clenched your jaw inside the suit's black helmet. "You know for a leader who pretends to have control, you have none of it... and you know it."

An alert sounded in your suit's speakers beside your ear signaling an increase of Miguel's vitals again. You caught sight of his chest starting to rise and fall quicker. He stiffened as his muscles flexed. His eyes were zeroed in on your helmets face trying to pin point your own gaze. You waited for him to bite back, give you some sort of retaliation that would keep the tension rolling like it always did. But he was quiet... right now he looked like he really wanted to hurt you.

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