In the Dark

931 57 63

Warnings: sexual tension, sexual content 🫣

You've been warned, enjoy~!


You reached up again to where you last saw him, ready to shove him off of you with all your strength. But when your hands came into contact with his chest, you felt something completely unexpected.


Your eyes were so wide they could fall out of their sockets. You froze in place, your brain was void of any thought. It was dead silent, Miguel wasn't making any sound. If it weren't for your hands literally on him you'd think he completely vanished out of existence. You desperately wanted to call out for him to make sure it was really him still in front of you, but you couldn't bring yourself to speak at all.

'Is this...? No... it can't be... it can't... there's no way.'

You forced your hands to move to make sure you weren't just imagining things. 'Maybe he killed me.' you thought. But as you moved your hands to lower you heard a deep gasp above you, making you immediately halt. You didn't think your eyes could get any wider, but they somehow did.

Your hands were suddenly grabbed and pinned to the floor to either side of your head. You tried to see his face but the pitch black of the room was too dense.

"D-don't." Miguel whispered above you. You felt him try to shift his weight so he wasn't against you. You were in utter disbelief, you needed to confirm what you were suspecting. And what you were suspecting, was there is a naked Miguel O'Hara hovering over you in a pitch black room.

"L-ligh-!" before you could finish, his hand quickly pressed against your mouth as he leaned in next to your head.

"Don't you dare." he breathed against the shell of your ear in a threatening low voice. You felt sweat drip down your forehead. You gulped forcing yourself to talk against his hand, but it was muffled. He slowly removed his hand to let you speak.

"M-Miguel... are you..."

"Shut up."

"...butt-ass naked right now?"

His large hands gripped your wrists tighter. Even though he had you pinned, you could tell he was holding himself back from your body, trying to put as much space as possible between you two.

"No. I'm not."

"You're lying."



"I'M NOT."

You lifted your leg up. Your knee brushed up against his bare inner thigh, the action made him jolt. He gasped again and pinched you legs between his, his strong thighs stopping you from moving any further. You still couldn't see anything, but hearing his reaction was enough to make you flush like crazy. You just confirmed exactly what you suspected.

"Miguel, you're naked." you said quietly as if it wasn't an obvious fact.

"You disabled my suit!" he hissed.

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