Blood and Breakfast

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Warnings: HEAVY sexual tension, sexual content, ORAL STUFF lol



You walked into a spacious lab full of high-tech and machinery. It was colder in here than any other part of the Spider-base you've been in. You gazed around the room as Miguel walked over to one of the steel counters with a bed next to it. He pulled up a hologram to display some crazy looking stats and graphs, typing some stuff in before clearing the data and wiping down the counter.

You walked around looking at some charts of what you assumed to be different descriptions of Spider-people. From what you could understand from the brief reading, most of the Spiders had very similar DNA structures. The closest ones being the Peter Parkers, and the furtherest ones being animals. You still couldn't believe there were actual Spider-animals, still they did practically the same stuff as their human counterparts. You weren't gonna discriminate, especially when a damn plushie was more capable of being a superhero than you. So who are you to judge? Miguel finished cleaning up the space and fixed the small medical bed.

"Come here. Sit." he called. You raised an eyebrow at his command, turning around to cross your arms with a displeased expression. "You wanna try that again?" you said. He sighed.

"Will you please come here?" he corrected himself. You smiled as you walked over to the bed and playfully slapped his shoulder before sitting down. He 'tch'ed at your hit.

"So what exactly are you gonna be looking for in my blood? What'll show up?" you questioned as Miguel washed his hands and pulled on some latex gloves. "Anything that'll be abnormal, that could be from low hormone levels to borderline non-existent cells due to multidimensional travel. We'll see what shows up." he stated. Your eyes widen.

"W-what do you mean borderline non-existent cells?! Wouldn't that mean I'm literally dead?" you asked nervously. "No it just means that part of 'you' would've got caught in different levels of space and time when you traveled the first time Gwen brought you here. Usually happens to non-superhumans, but so far you seem fine." he said casually while holding up some syringes. You played with your fingers nervously. The idea of being broken up like Lego pieces across the multiverse sounded way worse than the dismissive way he was describing it.

He walked over to start up some small lab machines and casted a few holograms next to them. He then walked back over to you and began tying your bicep tightly before wiping down the soft spot on your arm with a numbing ointment. You bounced your leg in anxiety, trying to look away from the syringes as he began attaching the sharp needles to them.

"Alright, just three viles." he said as he approached you and held your arm up. He watched as your breathing picked up and you looked everywhere but the syringe, he could smell the strong scent of cortisol releasing from you. "Relax." he said. You didn't answer as you shut your eyes tight. He held your arm as he leaned in with the syringe. Before he could even get near your skin with it, you immediately reeled back and shrieked.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT! UGHH SHIT." you shivered as you shut your eyes tight. You huffed like you had just ran a marathon. Miguel gave you an irritated look as he leaned back. "Really? You're gonna be this difficult over blood samples? You afraid of needles or something?" he asked in an unamused tone. You shook your head.

"No! I just- I just don't like seeing the blood... and I hate knowing that something is stabbing me to get!" you said as you opened one eye to look at his expression. He gave you a bored look.

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