New Home

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After that long meeting with the Spiders, you finally slept. As stressed as you were with the whole situation, you ironically got the best night of sleep. Probably because you were still recovering from your injuries and lack of sleep since New York. You missed home, but everyone insisted that going back to your dimension would be a death trap. And at the moment you were the most rare variable they could've come across in the multiverse so of course they wouldn't just let you go. So, here you were, witnessing your first sunrise in a new dimension.

It was your first day officially as a resident of the Spiderverse. As Miguel promised, you got a room. It was a beautiful modern room on an upper level of the Spiderbase in the middle of the city. The room was a pristine steel that would heat up and cool at any temperature you wanted. It had neon strips of light that ran along the walls and bed. It was smaller than your apartment, but the view of the city easily made up for it. You had a queen size bed, two large windows, a small bathroom, a mini-fridge filled with water bottles, and a tiny plant that sat on your nightstand gifted by Gwen.

Now you weren't a picky person, you always appreciate what you're given and never fuss. But there is one thing about this room that you can't help but dislike...

You're locked in.

Miguel promised you a room, and you were relieved knowing he wasn't gonna lock you in a cell to conduct experiments on you like a lab rat. But he still put your entire room on lockdown, no getting in or out.

'Dammit! He probably activated the lockdown as soon as I entered last night. If I had known I would've slipped something in the door. Ughhh, why didn't I think he'd do something like this?!' you rubbed a hand over your face.

As annoyed as you were, you couldn't really blame him. He had a whole city on his shoulders... his very large, broad, sexy shoulders. You shook your head before your thoughts could run any further.

'He's such a control freak.'

You pulled out the watch device they gave you. Apparently phones weren't a thing here. The watch shot up a holographic screen in front of you. You figured out how to navigate through it and found your contacts list which consisted of Gwen, Kess, Hobie, Peter, Jess, and of course Miguel. You clicked on Gwen's contact and typed up a message.


hey Gwen it's Y/n!

my room looks insane!
thanks for setting me up,
and of course for all the help yesterday at the meeting

you've done so much for me,
seriously thanks <3

while you're out doing super
hero stuff, what should i do??
is there any way i can help ?

is your boss planning on
dissecting me while you're
gone 😀?!

hey Y/n!

no need to thank me dude
im so glad i found you when
i did, i wasn't gonna leave you

im here for you, i got ur back
<3 🤘

oh but yeah, the rest of us might
be kinda busy for a while

in the meantime, id say just
try to relax and recover

Hobie and i are out on a mission
in his dimension tracking down
an anomaly

Kess and Lyla are doing their
computer stuff, Jess is
on a mission getting parts for
new tech, and P.B. is probably
off somewhere with his
daughter Mayday

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