Chapter 19

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The team, guided by Loner's wisdom, ventured deeper into the shadows that clung to the nation's essence. The air was filled with an otherworldly silence, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant echo of the memory of Galeem's powers.

As they crossed the land, a white-bellied sea eagle came into view. Perched atop one of the Simpor Flower trees, its piercing gaze seemed to fix on Phoenix as if it had been waiting for their arrival, and the child's presence was accompanied by the creature's own presence.

With a graceful descent, the sea eagle dropped an object from its beak before taking flight and disappearing into the shadowy expanse. Phoenix approached the spot where the object had fallen — a flower crown intricately woven from the Simpor flowers that adorned the landscapes of Brunei.

Loner recognized the significance of the flower crown. "A memory item," he explained, his flames flickering with a mixture of curiosity and recognition. The determination in Phoenix resonated with the memories embedded in the delicate petals of the Simpor flowers.

Phoenix, holding the flower crown in her hands, felt a wave of cosmic energy — the memories of Brunei woven into the fabric of the creation. Loner began to unravel the stories the memento contained.

The Simpor, with its vibrant blooms and cultural significance, unfolded its stories — the whispers of a nation connected to the journey. The team, now in possession of another memory item, felt the weight of Brunei's stories and the promise they held for the struggles ahead.

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