Chapter 9

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The celestial powers within Phoenix hummed with energy as she prepared to transport the team to the heart of Jakarta. With a graceful sweep of her hand, the surroundings blurred, and the cave's shelter faded into the once vibrant, now dulled tapestry of urban life.

As they materialized amidst the bustling cityscape, the air buzzed with vitality. The rain-soaked streets reflected the flickering glow of signs, and the eerie silence instead of the rhythmic melody of daily life surrounded them. Yet, amidst this, Phoenix's keen senses detected a subtle disturbance—a whisper of discord cutting through the deathly silence.

"I sense something... unusual," Phoenix remarked, her eyes scanning the surroundings.

"There's a resonance in the air, a disturbance not native to this realm."

Determined to uncover the source of the disturbance, the team explored the city streets. The undying light guided them, and soon, their journey led them to an unexpected discovery—a piece of Batik Cloth tucked away in a quaint alley.

Timor examined the intricate patterns, her fingers tracing the delicate curves. "Batik—the artistry of the Indonesian people. But why here?"

Loner, flames flickering with a knowing gleam, revealed the truth. "This is more than just a piece of cloth. It is a memory item, a thread that binds the past to the present. Keep it close, for its significance may reveal itself in time."

Just as the team prepared to continue their journey, Loner's flames flickered erratically. His ethereal senses heightened, and he spoke with an urgency that cut through the ambient noise of the city. "Galeem's presence... it's here, close by."

Phoenix's gaze sharpened, and the undying light within her responded to the cosmic disturbance. "How close?"

Loner's flames pulsed, casting an ethereal glow. "Within these city walls. But beware, for Galeem may not reveal itself in his true form..."

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