Chapter 13

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The journey across Southeast Asia continued, guided by the undying determination and the newfound strength bestowed upon the team by the Indonesia's liberation. August, the Merlion with a spirit untamed by Galeem's power, awaited their return.

As the team reached the shores once more, August greeted them with a nod of his regal head. His eyes, reflecting the vastness of the sea, held a wisdom born of survival against the encroaching darkness.

"Welcome back, travelers," August rumbled, his voice a comforting resonance. "Are you ready to venture further into the unknown?"

Phoenix, her resolve unwavering, nodded. "We are. Our next destination is Malaysia."

With a graceful motion, August lowered himself to allow the team to climb onto his back. The Merlion plushie lay nestled amongst Phoenix's belongings, a silent reminder of the stories yet to be told.

As they embarked on the journey, the undying determination within Phoenix resonated with the soothing rhythm of the waves. The overcast sky, a constant companion on their quest, cast a muted light upon the surface of the sea. Malaysia, a nation awaiting liberation, lay ahead.

The waters, once vibrant with life, now held a solemn tranquility. August navigated the currents, his form a testament to the endurance of mythical spirits against the cosmic upheaval.

As Malaysia's coastline emerged on the horizon, Loner spoke, his words carried by the sea breeze. "Malaysia awaits, a realm gripped by shadows. May the undying determination guide you through the depths of this celestial struggle."

The team, perched upon the mighty Merlion, observed the changing landscape as they neared their destination. Malaysia, a mosaic of cultures and histories, stood as a battleground where the team would face the looming evils.

The undulating waves, reflecting the scars of the cosmic conflict, seemed to murmur tales of resilience as August approached the Malaysian shores. The overcast sky cast an ethereal glow upon the land, where many awaited liberation.

As they disembarked from the Merlion's back, Phoenix faced the undying determination within her, a silent promise to illuminate the shadows that clung to Malaysia. The journey continued, the cosmic struggle unfolding in new realms, each step guided by the undying light and the memories that bound the team together.

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