Chapter 25

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Amidst the Sampaguita Jasmine and the venerable Narra Tree, a voice broke through the silence of the world . Turning around, they were met with a sight that defied the desolation that Galeem had wrought upon the other Countryhumans.

Running towards Phoenix and Loner was none other than Philippines. 

Philippines, somehow free from the shackles of Galeem's control, greeted them with a genuine smile—a beacon of resilience in the face of puppetry's reach. His eyes, devoid of the ominous red glow, sparkled with the undying light that resonated with the essence of his nation.

As Phoenix and Loner stood in the presence of an unbound Philippines, the cosmic journey took an unforeseen turn. The Sampaguita Jasmine seemed to sway in celebration, and the Narra Tree stood witness to a moment that defied the puppeted desolation surrounding them.

"How in the Overlord's real name did you—"

Philippines, standing amidst the Sampaguita field with an air of both mystery and assurance, interrupted, "It's complicated. I do remember getting taken by the light, but I never fell under The Thing's control... But I can't say the same for everyone else."

The determination within Phoenix flickered with intrigue, mirroring the cosmic flames that adorned Loner, who seemed equally perplexed by the anomaly. The nation continued.

"Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau are also unaffected, but they are dependencies... and yet, I'm fine despite being my own independent country?"

As the team pondered the enigma of unaffected sovereignty, the echoes of the archipelago's tale began to intertwine with the untold stories of Malina. The undying light sought understanding in the cosmic mysteries, each revelation adding threads to the cosmic tapestry that unfolded in the heart of Malina's desolation.

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