Chapter 22

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With the liberation of Brunei echoing through the celestial realms, Phoenix, Loner, and their trusted guide August found themselves united once more. The Merlion's presence symbolized not only guidance through the aquatic expanses but also the bonds forged in the pursuit of freeing personifications from Galeem's influence.

As the team prepared to embark on the next leg of their cosmic journey, the waters around Brunei seemed to shimmer with a newfound vitality. The undying determination within Phoenix harmonized with the lingering echoes of freedom, creating a celestial resonance that August, the guardian of aquatic passages, sensed keenly.

With a nod from Phoenix, the team boarded August's aquatic form. The Merlion's eyes glowed with a friendly luminescence, a testament to the shared experiences and victories against the puppetry of Galeem. The undulating waves carried them forward, leaving behind the sacred grounds of Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque.

Their destination—Philippines, where new challenges and others were awaiting liberation. The maritime expanse stretched before them, a canvas of possibilities painted with the undying spirit of determination.

As the team sailed toward the Philippines, the waters whispered tales of distant shores and the resilience of nations. The journey was far from over, but with each passing wave, the spirit within Phoenix resonated with the newfound freedom, creating a harmonious symphony that heralded their approach to the next chapter of their cosmic odyssey.

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