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Idk if this is too weird 😭

⚠️TW⚠️ mentions of throwing up


-WEIRD topic
Enid always loved the cupcakes Wednesday would make for her, she always wondered how they were made. Until one day she did a little too much snooping and regretted it
Her favorite

Strawberry cream cupcakes

Made be her favorite

Wednesday Addams

She took a bite and instantly fell apart

"Willa these are so good" she spoke with her mouth full

"Glad you like them"

"Maybe I can help you one day, good way to learn the recipe"

"No need" she gave her girlfriend a cup of milk "Besides it's a secret"

"Oh come on! Let me at least know one of the ingredients"


"Oh wow-" she rolled her eyes, her mouth was filled once again with more cupcakes

Everyday Wednesday had a new batch of cupcakes ready

All different flavors

Double chocolate chip

Red velvet

Carrot cake

Vanilla swirl

All of them better than the last

Somehow Enid never got tired of them

No matter how many times a day she ate them they were always fresh and delicious




Even a midnight snack, she would pick a flavor out of

"Perfect" the wolf whispered in the dim light

The fridge lighting up the kitchen


The voice startled the wolf girl

"Oh god- hey Wednesday"

"What are you doing?"

"I got hungry, thankfully we have your amazing cupcakes. Are you making more tomorrow?"

"Yes of course"

"Good" Enid kissed her girlfriends cheek before going back upstairs, cupcake still in hand

The next day was no different

She got up,got ready and went down to the kitchen

Searching for those delicious little things

"Oh no! Did I eat the last one yesterday" she continued to search

She then checked the oven

Nothing was baking

"Did she forget?" Enid talked to herself

The wolf searched the whole house

"Ah! Maybe in the basement"

She made her way down the stairs

The Addams manor has many "basements"

So Enid checked them all

At the very bottom she heard noises and then a whiff of cupcakes

"Hmm wonder why she's baking them down here"

Slowly going down the hall

"This is my chance to learn the recipe" she whispered to herself

Sneaking up

In a big glass room Wednesday stood in front of a table

What Enid was looking at completely terrified her

The goth stood in front of body parts

Chopping them up into tiny pieces and throwing them in a blender

Her face and apron bloody

"What the fuck" the wolf felt sick

Once the body mixture was blended she added it to the batter and into the oven

"Oh hell no-"

Enid slowly walked away

Going back upstairs

She felt her stomach erupt  

"Well I guess curiosity does kill the cat" Enid wiped her mouth

"But satisfaction always brings it back" Wednesday held out a cupcake for her girlfriend

"Hey Willa" her stomach turned inside out

"I made another batch"

"Not right now"

"Knowing the recipe doesn't change anything"

"Yes it does-"

"You eat meat all the time"

"Yeah but animal meat"

"What's the difference" Wednesday handed her the rainbow frosted cupcake

Enid looked down at her

Still feeling sick

"You don't like them?"

"If they're normally made yes-"

"Enid they've never been normally made"

"So this whole time-" she dropped the cupcake and threw up once more

"Well you did wanna know the recipe"

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