Even In Tears, There's Revenge

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Go read "Even In Tears" then come back

Someone wanted the revenge part so here it is thank you for the suggestion 🫶


After Wednesday doesn't feel anything about her mothers death for almost 2 months suddenly a new feeling comes to her.

Wednesday had finally let go of her mothers death

Sure it still hurt a little but surprisingly her therapist was helping out

Sometimes she would wake up crying but that was rare

Now more than ever she decided to hide her feelings

She shut a lot of people out but the person that she kept close was her girlfriend Enid

Their relationship got stronger

Enid was the only person Wednesday would show her true emotions to

She would cry in front of her alot of the times but as the weeks passed it was less

She still felt numb but even before her mother died she would feel this

The storm outside helped put her to sleep

She was finally dozing off when suddenly her body felt different

That numb feeling was no longer there

Her mind was racing

It's almost like her soul was out of her body

She quickly sat up

She looked around the room in confusion

"Everything ok Wenny?" The wolf said in a sleepy voice

Wednesday was snapped out of her daze

"Uh yeah I'm fine" she laid back down but her mind didn't stop

She couldn't sleep

Finally morning came

As soon the sun started to come up she was already at her desk

Only this time she no longer needed to investigate she already knew who it was but he was walking around the streets like it's nothing

She grabbed her trusty knife

"Good morning Wenny" Enid was awake




She put the knife back in place and turned around

"Sinclair" she walked over to her girlfriend

Enids stretched out her arms pulling Wednesday in for a hug

She kissed her forehead

A knock on the door separated them

The door opened to reveal principal Weems

"Good morning girls. Enid I need you in my office" she closed the door and left

The werewolf got up and quickly got ready

"I wonder why she needs me"

Wednesday stayed quiet

She intently watched as her girlfriend left the room

Of course she waited a little before she left the room

She only had one thing on her mind


She wanted to take Tyler's life away just like he did to her mother

The day was perfect

It was cloudy and raining, Wednesdays favorite

The ride to Jericho was fast

She had everything planned out in her head

The only thing she forgot about was that Tyler had work

She couldn't just brutally murder him in front of everyone in the cafe

She could wait for him inside of the cafe


Too much social interaction

His house

She could just wait for him in his room

"I doubt his dads home" she mumbled to herself

Thankfully she knew exactly where he lived so she walked in that direction

As expected his dad wasn't home and of course the door was unlocked

"Dumbass" she mumbled under her breath

She walked in and looked around

She searched every room until she found one that could remotely be his

Just like any killer his room was clean

Too clean

Before she could take another step her body started to vibrate

A shot of confusion hit her that is until she remembered that Enid made her get a phone

She quickly took it out of her pocket

"Sinclair" she answered the phone

"Where are you? We have that date tonight remember"

"Fuck" she breathed out "Im at therapy I can't make it"

"Oh right I forgot...you can't skip?"

"Im here right now Enid"

"Ughhh fine but we're going tomorrow"

"Yes yes whatever I gotta go"

"Love you babes" she hung up

Wednesday checked the time

"About four hours before he's done with work"

She spent the time looking around his room

The list interesting thing she found was pictures of his mom

She was so pretty and he looked so happy

Maybe that was the reason he killed Morticia

It was a few minutes before he would be getting home that she decided on a good place to hide

She heard the front door open and foot steps walking up the stairs

The bedroom door opened and she quickly stabbed Tyler

He tried to fight back but Wednesday was filled with adrenaline that she was much stronger than him

She stabbed him a total of 20 times before she left the scene

It began to rain as she began the long walk to nevermore

Blood dripped from her face and hands

Finally after about an hour and a half she made it back to her dorm

Enid was asleep in her bed

Of course she couldn't let anyone know what she had just done so she took a shower before calling to Enid so they could shower together

The got back into bed

"Kiss me Enid"

Of course Enid did as told

A few weeks later Tyler's death was announced and the funeral was held

They never did find the killer and slowly everyone forgot about the coffee boy who committed the crime they never solved

Wenclair one shots ❤️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat