The Girl In Class

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Enid and Wednesday are not roommates in this one.
Enid sees someone in the seat next to her assigned one and she grows closer and closer to the blunt, mysterious, black and white girl

Enid walked into poisonous plants class with her best friend Yoko by her side

She stopped in her tracks when a black figure sat next to her spot

"Who's that" Yoko fanged

Enid said nothing as the girl turned to look at her

She looked straight out of a horror movie but In the best way possible

Her hair was so black it almost blended into her dark midnight clothes

Her face looked like she hasn't slept in years

Her skin was extremely pale it looked like she was completely dead almost like a zombie

She walked over to he seat where the dark girl sat

Enid awkwardly sat down next to her

Ms.Thornhill went through the overdone

"We have a new student in class" thing and she got on with her lesson

"This is Wednesday Addams"

Wednesday? Like the day? Must've been the day she was born. Enids thoughts took over her mind

Throughout the entire class the girl didn't say anything

She didn't blink

She didn't move

It almost seemed as if she didn't even breath

Enid thought she was in anatomy and they were doing a dissecting lab

She was then proven wrong when Ms.Thornhill pulled out a Venus flytrap

The most weakest of the predators

Once again Enid was proven wrong when the spooky girl next to her began to state the most specific facts about the plants

"She can talk" Enid thought

She was then pulled out of her thoughts as the bell rang and the girl next to her swiftly got up

Enid tried to stop the mysterious girl but she was gone within seconds

After that Enid only saw this dark figure in class never in the halls

Wednesday never said anything

She represented death very well

It took Wednesday 1 month, 3 days, 4 hours, 23 minutes, and 6 seconds to finally say something to Enid

Yes she was counting down the seconds

"Hey" is all Enid heard that Thursday she walked into class

She looked down at her classmate

"Hey" she smiled back

After that they didn't talk for weeks

Enid was rushing to her anatomy of the wolf class when suddenly she pulled in a very dark room

She pulled her phone out to give herself and to see who was responsible for making her late to class

Enid was moving her phone flash across the room she could kind of make out a face in the dark a very pale face

Wednesday she thought

She got closer and was soon confirmed that it was Wednesday

"What are you doing" Enid asked

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