Out Of My League

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Enid is much cooler than Wednesday but somehow she still talks to her

Enid walked down the hall with all of her friends around her

They all talked about meaningless topics

Enid nodded in fake agreement

From the other side of the hall someone caught Enids attention which was extremely rare

She wore all black it clashed with her extremely paper white skin

She looked like she was extremely sick

It was as if she hadn't slept in days, no years

Her hair blended in with her black uniform

Her eyes were like the deep night sky

Her expression was absent

Enid did a double take when she saw her walk by

"Hey who's that" she interrupted Bianca's sentence

"Who?" Yoko asked looking around

Enid looked back and saw her walk away "no one" she mumbled

Throughout the day it seemed like this dark cloud followed her everywhere but from a distance

Thankfully they had one class together

Poisonous plants

The girl walked in a few seconds before the bell

"Yoko go sit with Divina" Enid whispered as she elbowed the vampire

"But Xavier sits with her...." She looked over to the siren who was sitting alone

"Yeah well he's not here besides your girlfriend looks really lonely so go" Enid demand

Yoko got up to sit with her girlfriend leaving Enid alone

"Students meet Wednesday" Mrs.Thornhill said

"Wednesday why don't you sit with..." she scanned the room "Ah Enid" Thornhill pointed to the empty spot next to the wolf

"I see Yoko and Divina have decided to make their relationship known" Thornhill interrupted Yoko fanging the siren "Ok girls enough let's start class"

Wednesday sat down

She didn't say anything

She only spoke when Mrs.Thornhill asked the class questions

"Alright class please discuss with your partner" Thornhill stepped out of the room to talk to principal Weems

"Hey Wednesday, I'm Enid" she introduced herself

Wednesday gave her a side eye

The bell rang

"No homework today" Mrs.Thornhill announced

Enid quickly packed her stuff up and ran to catch Yoko

"That emo girl Wednesday is so weird" Enid complained

"Hmm she was totally staring at you the whole time" Yoko teased

"Ugh whatever" They made their way over to the gym

A bunch of girls rushed into the locker rooms, including Enid

She began to undress

The room went quite as the door opened

It was her


Enid put on her gym t shirt

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