Flowers For Her

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After a fight Enid starts leaving small flowers for Wednesday as an apology

Just like always Wednesday was alone

She likes being alone but this time was different

She wasn't left alone by choice but by force

Her girlfriend had walked out on her

It was completely her fault and she recognized it but she couldn't apologize not because of her pride but because she couldn't find her rainbow girlfriend anywhere

She search every single classroom and dorm

She took a midnight walk into the forest and yet no luck

She walked back to her dorm feeling defeated but when she walked into the dorm something felt off

Her black hole of a room seemed different

She couldn't put her finger on what it was

That's when she saw it

On the middle of her pitch black bed there was color

She walked closer to her bed

It was a daffodil

It's almost as if a bit of Enid had bled into her life

She looked around to see if her girlfriend had come back but once again she was nowhere to be found

Wednesday was sad

Sadder than usual

All she wanted to do was apologize, something she never did

Days had past and each day she got one more flower

By the end of the week she had seven daffodils

They looked out of place on her dark side of the room

When she was writing a sad poem an idea came into her head

She could stay up all night and wait for Enid to leave a flower

So she did just that

She got comfortable and began to read her favorite book

"Murder for experts"

She read late into the night

At exactly 3 AM she heard the creaking of the window

She quickly turned off her light and made it seem as if she was asleep

She heard Enid close the window

She heard her walk around the room

She heard her right next to her

"Enid" Wednesday whispered

She didn't say anything

"I'm sorry" Wednesday mumbled

Wednesday sat up

She looked behind her where Enid stopped in her tracks

"Where were you?" Her voice remained low

"Why didn't you come back?"

"Why the flowers?"

"Enid!" Wednesday yelled

"I'm sorry, I know you're mad and I wanted to give you space"

Wednesday crawled across her bed to where Enid was

"I was upset but it was all my fault, not yours" Wednesday held both of Enids hands

"I'm sorry Enid, I really am , I love you so much and I'll never hurt you again I promise" she kissed both of her hands

Enid then got into bed with her goth girlfriend

They held each other in a comfortable silence

"The flowers reminded me of you, I kept all of them" Wednesday ran her fingers through Enids hair

"They mean forgiveness" Enid whispered

Enid gave Wednesday two more flowers for the night

She put one in her hair and one in her hands

Enid gave her soft kisses

They slept in each others arms

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