Paradise (Smut)

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Haven't done Bottom Wednesday in a while so 🤭 enjoy

Wednesday and Enid take a school trip but aren't placed in the same room so they have to find ways to see each other
"What the fuck I can't believe we aren't in the same room" Enid pushed up against her girlfriend

"Yes it would be pure torture to be put in the same room as you for that long" Wednesday deadpanned

"Whatever we're roommates that are dating we've spent more time together than that" Enid pushed her playfully

"Girls please get into your respective busses so we can leave" Weems gave a fake smile

"Hey Larissa anyway you could let me and Wednesday bunk together" The wolf smiled

"Seems like Wednesday doesn't want that" She pointed to the goth who was already rushing on the opposite bus

"Oh wow" Enid sighed as she got onto the other bus

After about 2 hours they finally arrived at the resort

The busses began to empty

"Now children you have already been paired up with your partner for this trip please find them and head to your room!" Weems smiled

Enid frowned at the thought of being away from her girlfriend for so long but Weems wasn't going to crack so she found her partner which was Yoko so it wasn't all bad

"Is the pup sad she won't get to see her mate" the vampire teased

"Ew Yoko that sounds like pervy and weird. Also yes I am shut the fuck up about it" She opened the room door and flopped onto the bed

Yoko joined her "Don't be down. I heard everyone's gonna sneak out to party tomorrow night"

Enid hugged the vamp "Ouu I'm in"

The overhead speakers rang "I hope you're enjoying the rooms. Would everyone please meet in the lobby"

Enid groaned but got up reluctantly

"At least you get to see your lover" Yoko teased

Once in the lobby Enid quickly took hold of her girlfriend

"Miss me?" Wednesday said with no emotion

"Now tomorrow we have a packed day of learning to do here so get some rest but before you can enjoy the pool or game room!" Weems smiled

A few cheers could be heard in the crowd of students

"I would like everyone to meet here at 7 AM on the dot to start our day at the breakfast bar! You're excused"

"Wednesday what do you wanna do?" Enid questioned

"Sleep" She turned around and walked back to the wing her room was on

"Ugh you're so boring....want me to go with you" The wolf bit her lip

"No," the goth said emotionless as she continued to walk

Enid pulled her back "Come on if you're not going to let me come with you at least stay with me for a little"

"Is annoying me you're only strategy to get me to do what you want" Wednesday hissed

"Fuck you" the wolf girl rolled her eyes

"Fine come on" The goth dragged her girlfriend toward her room

It didn't take long before the elevator opened and they walked down to the hall

"Wow room number 666 how predictable can Weems be" Enid rolled her eyes as she walked in "Well it makes sense if you're going to be sleeping in the same room as the devil herself" The wolf gave a dirty look to Bianca who was sitting in her bed

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