Forever And Always

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Wednesday goes to a ball with Xavier but Enid is close by
"Are you really going with him" Enid made a nasty face at Wednesday

"Against my own will" Wednesday rolled her eyes

"You know the night of the dance is a blood moon right?"

"Of course I do, I would much rather stay in the dorm than go with a low life like him" Wednesday snarled

"You really could stay" Enid suggested

"Mrs.Weems would kill me, as much as that sounds delightful I want to stay alive for now to finish this case"

Enid hated the idea of this but she didn't know why

She should be happy that her antisocial goth roommate is getting out there and having fun
(If that was even possible for her)

But she wasn't

In fact she was furious

The night of the ball came

Enid wore a long pink off the shoulder dress

Her hair was curled and her makeup was light

She came out of the bathroom to find her roommate in a very Victorian black suit

A blush spread across her face

"Woah" she whispered

"You look so good" Enid said as she walked up to her roommate

Wednesday just looked her up and down

"The dress suits you" she complained emotionless

"You know you can always come with me" Enid smiled as she leaned into the shorter girl

Wednesday just rolled her eyes just before she could walk to the door, there was knocking

"Oh great" Enid mumbled

Wednesday walked over and was met with Xavier

"Hey beautiful" he smirked

"Don't" Wednesday shut him down quickly

"I got you a corsage, it's a black rose"

Wednesday gave him the dirtiest look

"I'll have you know that I am only doing this because Mrs.Weems is forcing me to not because I actually want to participate in such an embarrassment of a ball"

Enid laughed at the rejection

"Now can we please get this over with" Wednesday walked passed the artist

He was stunned

Enid couldn't help but giggle

The ball was a very awkward experience

Wednesday stood with her arms crossed over her chest with the nastiest look on her face

"Oh come on let's dance to lighten the mood"

"The only thing that's keeping me from walking out is all the tension"

"Hey Wednesday" Enid skipped over with a smile

Wednesday just side eyed her

"Are you just having a miserable time" Enid asked playfully

"Yes, but not in a good way" Wednesday looked over to Xavier

"Well you're gonna die when I tell you that the couples blood bath is soon"

"Color me intrigued" Wednesday faced the werewolf

"It's where all the couples dance and the blood moon picks two lucky people to be bonded for life" Xavier buds in looking very enthusiastic

"I'm still alive....unfortunately" she looks over at the wolf

"Enid don't you have a date" Xavier asks in a very demanding tone

"Yes and?"

"Im sure he's missing you right now so go and fetch him" Xavier narrows his eyes slightly

Wednesday pushed him out of the way giving him another dirty look

"Enid let's go get some punch" Wednesday doesn't take her eyes off of him

"There's nothing I would rather do than grab a cup of punch with such a fair maiden" Enid made her sentence as dramatic as possible

After getting punch and talking for a while, an announcement came from the DJ

"Alright all you lucky couples let's gather around so we can start this bloody waltz"

All of the couples stormed the open area

Xavier quickly made his way over but went back for Wednesday

"Are you really going to make me do this"

"Oh 100% I am" Xavier smiled at the goth

They got in position and the music started

They began to dance but quickly Xavier realized something was off

"Ugh this isn't the right song" He let go of the goth "Hold on just a second I'll be back"

The music continued

Wednesday almost walked off the dance floor when her arm was tugged back

She was pulled into a waltzing position

That's when the roof opened up and the blood moon covered them

"Enid?" Wednesday questioned

Enid looked up

"May I have this dance"

Wednesday shook her head in agreement slowly

The music changed to a much more dark tone and they danced

Everyone made room for them

Xavier looked down to see who got picked but his emotion changed when he saw it was Wednesday

"Oh fuck no" he said as he made with way down

The moon began to fade

"No no no" Xavier harshly grabbed onto Wednesdays wrist

"This dance was supposed to be for me

The moon was completely gone

Wednesday snatched back her arm and pushed him out of the way

She made her way back to her dorm

Enid following behind

Wednesday walked into the dorm

She walked onto the balcony

Enid quietly went to her side

"Remind me what the blood moon is"

"Well it's kind of a curse, the two people to be picked by it and dance under it are bonded for eternity and nothing can break that bond" Enid explains

"So that must mean"

"Yes and I'm sorry I didn't know that it would pick us"

"Enid it's ok"

"I was just trying to get you away from Xavier" Enid smiled

"Being bonded with him feels like a hell that isn't enjoyable"

The rest of the night felt comfortable

"By the way Weems takes the bond very seriously so if you had her on your ass before now she won't let you out of her sight for a second" Enid said as she went to bed

"It's not any different than now"

Within the next few days they couldn't get off of each other

It was almost like a love spell

They decided to date within the two days after the dance

Everyone knew it was just the bond but it felt like much more than that for them

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