Snowy Nights

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Enid wants to go play outside in the snow

In the middle of the night 😀
Enid had woken up to the sound of wind

She quickly got up and looked through her big window


It was snowing

It looked like a fairytale

Enid quickly ran to her closest so she could bundle up

She then ran out and went over to her girlfriends side

"Wednesday! Wednesday! Wake up let's go outside" she excitedly shaked her girlfriend in an effort to wake her up

Wednesday shot up

"Enid what are you doing" she said in a very scary tone, it was too quite

"Come on Wenny we have to go outside. It's snowing!" Enid then went back to her closet to put on her boots

"It's the middle of the night Enid" Wednesday laid back down

Enid ignored Wednesday as she continued to get ready

"Fine I'll just go by myself" Enid walked towards the door

"Enid we can go in the morning" Wednesday said with closed eyes

"But it's snowing right now, who knows if it'll be like this when we wake up" she said turning towards her girlfriends bed

Wednesday then pulled her blanket to the side "I'll let you sleep in my bed" Wednesday suggested "come on we can go in the morning I promise"

Enid thought for a minute "tempting but no" she then turned back towards the door

Wednesday rolled her eyes "ok fine"

She then got up and got ready for the snow

"Don't forget your snood" Enid exclaimed

Soon they were quietly walking through the school and towards the exit

They were outside and Enid couldn't wait any longer she began to run around in the snow as Wednesday calmly continued to walk in the direction of the forest

Enid ran up to Wednesday in order to keep up with her

"Had enough" Wednesday questioned to her out of breath girlfriend

"Um no we haven't even been here for 2 minutes" Enid said

They walked deeper into the forest

Soon they came upon a hidden part of the forest

Enid couldn't help herself

She wolfed out and began to jump around

While Enid ran off, Wednesday found a log and sat there waiting for her werewolf to tire out

It took about an hour for Enid to finally find Wednesday and get out of her wolf form

"Let's build a snowman" Enid said breathlessly

"No" Wednesday said bluntly

"Oh come on Wens" she wined

"You always make me do insipid things" Wednesday got up and followed Enid

"It's not insipid, it's cute" Enid got a hold of her gloomy girlfriends hand and lead her to a clearer stop

They began to gather snow and roll it until they could make a decent snowman

Enid then took off her own scarf and dressed the snow figure

"Perfect" she said as she stepped back

"Had all your fun?" Wednesday said from behind the colorful girl

"Hmmm almost" she said as they walked back to where they once were

On the way there Enid began to shiver, she began to sneeze

Wednesday side eyed her "You ok?" She asked

Enid sneezed once more "Huh yeah"

They got back and Wednesday sat on the log once more

Enid then again took hold of her hand and made her get up

Enid then dragged her down into the snow

Wednesday just laid there as her girlfriend began to cough

"I think it's time we go" Wednesday got up and began to walk in the direction of the school

Enid followed

When they snuck back into the school and made it to their dorm, Enid was clearly sick

"I told you we should've gone in the morning" Wednesday whispered as they made it to Ophelia hall

Enid continued to shiver as she walked to the bathroom to take a warm shower

Wednesday then went to the cafeteria to look for something warm to feed enid

Chicken soup is what she found

She then made her way back to the dorm where Enid laid in her bed shivering

"Enid sit up" Wednesday said as she sat on the side of her bed

Enid did as told and sat up taking the soup

"Thanks Wens" Enid softly said as she began to eat

"You were right" she said as she finished up "We should've gone in the morning"

Wednesday then felt her forehead and cheeks

She leaned in and kissed her forehead "Feeling better" she asked against her, she kissed her entire face

Enid weakly giggled which turned into a cough

Wednesday kissed her lips once she had calmed down

"Wednesday" Enid pulled back "I might get you sick"

"As long as it means I can spend more time with you" Wednesday holds her werewolf's hand tightly

Wednesday then leaves Enid as she gets ready for bed

She turns off the lights and climbs into bed with her sick girlfriend

It caught Enid by surprise

She then turned to face her Morbid girlfriend

"Thanks for the soup" Enid whispered just inches away from a pale face

"Anything to keep you well, my sunshine" Wednesday moved Enids colorful hair from her face

When Enid woke up she was feeling a lot better but to no surprise Wednesday was feeling just as she did yesterday

"I told you Wednesday" Enid said walking towards the door

"I'll go get the soup"
The blizzard outside rn inspired me to write this

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