Blood buddies

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Wednesday and Enid preform a blood pack that bonds them together
Enid was trying to study the ancient history of "Goths" when suddenly her girlfriend slammed a book in front of her

"Let's do this"

"Blood pack for dummies 101? Seriously Wednesday if this is your attempt at humor than I feel bad"

"I don't joke. I'm being serious"

"Also why is it for dummies and why do we need a book I'm surprised you haven't done this in the past"

"I have and I know all about it. The dummies part is for you"

Enid rolled her eyes and opened the book

"At midnight carve your names into each other! Wednesday what the fuck I'm not doing this" she closed the book and continued her studies

"I'll let you hug me if we do" the goth said in a low monotone voice

"Really! Actually wait no no go away. Why would you even want to do anything this"

"Enid can we just do it"

"Alright fine whatever" the wolf only agreed because she's never seen her girlfriend so pushy before

The only unfortunate part of this was the fact that Enid had to wake up at 3AM the next morning for the ritual

"Did it really have to be at 3AM and not 3PM?" The wolf yawned

"Get in the middle of those candles"

"What are you even wearing" Enid tried not to laugh

Wednesday glared at her

"You look like some priest out of the conjuring" Enid sat where her girlfriend had directed her to

Wednesday didn't stop glaring

"Alright I'm sorry can we just finish this pack so I can go back to sleep"

Wednesday joined the wolf in the middle

She brought over a knife and a few trinkets to complete the ritual

The most concerning thing was that Wednesday had to kill a raven and gut it for the act

"What are we gonna do with the bird guts?" Enid looked at them in disgust

"Eat them" She said in a very serious tone

Enid gave her a straight face

"That was a joke" Wednesdays expression didn't change

Enid nervously laughed

"Give me your hand"

Enid did as told

The ritual began with Wednesday reading a script from the mysterious book

Most of it was Italian

After that Wednesday mixed up a paste with all of the ingredients she had brought including the bird guts

She rubbed it on Enids palm and then her own

"Hold my hand"

Wednesday then took her knife and cut one side of Enids fingers so the blood would drip into their palms

She did the same to her own hand

She then rubbed the paste into their hands

"I'm gonna cut your palm it shouldn't hurt too bad" after her warning she slit Enids palm and then her own

Once more they holding hands as Wednesday read another script from the book but this time it was in a language Enid didn't recognize

The candles around them got brighter

Enid started to believe that they were actually doing witchcraft

Her belief was confirmed when the cut on her hand was completely gone

"It's done" Wednesday kissed Enid

"What does this even mean"

"It means we're bonded for life no matter. It basically means we're soulmates now"

They got up and each went to bed as if nothing happened

Enid started to see changes in people

Ajax no longer flirted with her in fact he avoided the wolf at all costs

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