Love Day

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Just some gift giving for Valentine's Day

"Valentine's Day is like tomorrow" Enid wined

"It's in two weeks" Yoko said in an annoyed tone

"Well it feels like it's tomorrow" Enid mumbled

"It's not like Wednesday is actually gonna care about all this love stuff" They walked to the quad

"Ok but I do and I want her to feel loved even if it kills her" Enid sat down

"She's a goth with no emotions I don't think you'll get much of a reaction with chocolates and a bear"

"Ugh that's so over done"Enid rolled her eyes

Wednesday appeared out of no where and sat next to the wolf

Enid gasped "Hey Wenny" She kissed her cheek

"Hello Enid" Wednesday looked at the wolf

"Quick question" Enid smiled "What's your favorite flower?"

"I don't have one, I would much rather a deadly plant" Wednesday deadpanned

"Hmm bouquet of poison ivy" Yoko whispered

Enid elbowed the vampire

"Favorite chocolate?"

"Dark chocolate" Yoko answers for the goth

Enid looked over to her

"Let's walk Wednesday" Enid got up from the table

Wednesday did the same and followed the wolf

"Sorry about Yoko I don't know what's up with her"

Wednesday didn't say anything

"Anyways as you know Valentine's Day is coming up and I was wondering what you wanted"

"Enid, there is nothing more that I want than to be hung like a witch with a stake through my heart on such a day maybe the vampire herself can put the stake through my heart" Wednesday stared at the wolf

"Oh come on Wednesday" Enid couldn't help but smile

"How about just a single rose" Enid intertwined her fingers with the goth

"Only if you keep the thorns on it" Wednesday let Enid hold her hand

"You can't just accept something niceee" Enid wined as she grabbed her girlfriends other hand

"It's just for one day then I won't talk about love or anything like that again" Enid looked into dark eyes

"No" Wednesday loosened her hand in the wolfs

A week went by and Enid had an idea of what to get her girlfriend

She decided on roses with the thorns on them, as the goth requested, but without the petals

She noticed that's what Mortica always brought her when she comes to visit and unlike any other flowers Wednesday has received, she doesn't throw these away immediately

Wednesday doesn't eat candy like at all so it was tricky but Enid decided to bring her all different types of candy and chocolate and the only ones she would eat were the white chocolates

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