On A Silver Platter

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More AU.....kinda

Wednesday is a vampire, Enid is human

-disturbing concept
That Victorian castle on the very top of the hill always made Enid very curious. Finally one day she decided to take a look.
The Uber came to a complete stop in the middle of the woods

"We're here," he said

"But this is the middle of nowhere" Enid looked around in the dark

"You have to walk up that dirt road until you reach the stone path," He said pointing her in that direction

"You can't take me up there. I'll pay extra"

"No matter what price it's forbidden"

Enid sighed and got out

She began to walk in the dark with just her phone flashlight

After what seemed like an hour she finally reached that stone path

It only took another 5 minutes before the castle was in sight

It was very dimly lit

Enid thought about turning back since it looked completely abandoned but her curiosity got the best of her and she found herself waking in

The inside of the castle was much different

It seemed more alive

Surprisingly someone greeted her at the door

"Glad you could join us Enid" A much taller woman with long black hair stopped her

"How do you know-"

"Wednesday is waiting for you," the pale woman said as she lead her through the big castle


Enid couldn't believe how quickly things escalated

She was sure this castle was abandoned

Enid looked at the gothic decor

What scared her the most was the red stains on the floor

She assumed it was part of their decor

They finally made it to a much bigger room with a huge table in the middle

It was packed with all kinds of people

They had only pale skin in common

At the very end of the table was a girl

Her dark midnight hair was tied up into two braids

Her suit was all black with a few details in a slightly lighter black

"That's Wednesday" The woman pointed, she then pushed her towards that way

"Darling Enid is here" she called

The whole room put their eyes on the wolf

"I see Mother"

Mother!?! Another surprise

"Enid come here" Wednesday called

The wolf had no choice but to obey

She walked over to the gothic girl

"Sit" She pointed at an open seat

Enid did just that

"Where am I" The wolf whispered

"Addams Manor" Wednesday replied "It's dinner time" She gave a small almost unnoticeable smile

The butlers bought out a huge silver platter

Wednesday said a quick speech before they revealed what was under

Enid was left in horror

On the platter were human remains

The wolf held her mouth to keep her from throwing up

"Please excuse me" She got up as slowly and unsuspiciously as possible

Once she was out of the dining room she ran trying to find the entrance

She felt her soul leave her body when she saw the pigtailed goth

"Where are you going," she asked

"Bathroom" Enid quickly responded

"Come" Wednesday took hold of her hand

It was as if Enid was touching pure ice

She was taken to some dark room

Wednesday turned on the lights

"Is this your room?" Enid could feel herself sweating

"Yes. I wanted to show you something"

The wolf looked around but was taken back when Wednesday pushed her onto the dark bed

The goths eyes were pure red


She opened her mouth to reveal her sharp teeth

Enid was peeing her pants at this point as Wednesday held her down and slowly began to kiss and slightly bite her neck

"This'll only hurt you"

She felt a sharp sting

Enid woke up in pure sweat

Her breathing was fast and her cheeks wet

"Enid" Wednesday had a worried look on her face

She looked around the room

Still in her dorm

She was completely relieved

"Just a bad dream"

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