Wednesdays Love Is Full Of Woe

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Enid had a bad dream and despite Wednesday not wanting to be touched she comforts her Girlfriend

Enid woke up in a sweat, her breathing was heavy and she was crying.

Another nightmare

Ever since she fought off the Hyde she had been getting these awful dreams.

Usually, she was fine after she woke up but this time was different.... She had died in the dream

A very graphic death

She had never died in one before

She tried to go back to sleep but every time she closed her eyes she would see herself again....just laying there

She knew Wednesday didn't wanna be touched anymore. Enid had spent all day hugging, kissing, holding her hand, and just overall being close to her.

Wednesday had told her that she didn't want to be touched or bothered anymore for the rest of the night and Enid of course respected that but right now she needed Wednesday she needed to be hugged and consoled.

Enid then made up her mind and slowly got up  tears still running down her checks

She then slowly got in bed with Wednesday who was still asleep in that dead-like position with her arms crossed over her chest.

Wednesdays POV

I was suddenly woken up by the nauseating scent of bubble gum.


I felt my bed take a sudden dip on one side. My eyes quickly shot open but I kept still

"Enid what are you doing" I called out

No answer

"I thought I told you I was done with affection for today."

Still no answer

I then arose from my bed keeping my arms crossed over my chest

I looked over to where Enid was laying

"Enid you have five seconds to get out of my bed before I skin your fur and make you into a rug for our dorm"

"Wednesday" I faintly heard Enid call out but something was off

She wasn't giggling about her antics to make me mad and she wasn't looking at me either

A sniffle made me slightly turn my body toward her

"Enid...are you crying" Her body suddenly grew soft

"Wednesday" Enid softly called out as she sat up "I'm sorry I know you said you didn't wanna be near me for the night but I-I had a bad dream and" she began to cry again

I then moved closer to Enid and I held her face in both of my hands as I examined it with the little light I had

She didn't stop crying

"I'm sorry" she whispered

I felt like my chest was going to rip open

I wiped one of her tears away and kissed her forehead moving her hair to the side

"Don't cry, Mi Amor" I hugged her close

Enid was my soft spot. No matter how much I denied it, the truth was she makes me feel and do things I would've never thought I was capable of

Even in public, I show affection towards Enid no matter who's watching and how vulnerable I look. I would do anything for Enid and she knew that

Seeing her like this makes me want to rip out my heart and give it to her

I broke the hug and softly kissed her lips

I then laid down and pulled her down softly with me

I hugged her, still giving her small kisses on her forehead

"Are you ok" I whispered against her forehead

"I feel a little better now that I'm with you" she said as she softly squeezed me

We stayed silent

Enid slowly stopped crying as I ran my fingers through her hair

After she completely stopped crying and her breathing slowed down I once again asked

"Enid are you ok? What happened?"

Enid looked up at me and began "Well like I told you before I've been having nightmares ever since we fought the Hyde, yet this one was different...I died in this one.I had never died in one and I guess it really got to me."

"Wednesday I'm sorry for forcing this on you but I needed it....I needed you" she pulled away from me as she spoke "I can go back to my bed if you want"

"No, it's ok. Stay" she laid back down

For the rest of the night Wednesday hugged Enid until her breathing became still.

Hey guys! 🥳 first chapter idk if I like this but it's ok also grammar is like not the best cuz I don't wanna spell check 😋

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