I Like Pain

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Enid accidentally bites Wednesdays tongue while they're making out and feels bad for it

Enid felt a tongue go down her throat

She groaned into her girlfriends mouth

Enid pulled Wednesday closer to her

Wednesday dragged her tongue out of her girlfriends mouth

She subconsciously pushed her down, straddling her

She connected their lips once more

Her tongue was in her girlfriends mouth again

Enid suddenly bit down harder than she usually does

Wednesday didn't really react until she tasted iron

She pushed away from Enid

Blood dripped from her tongue

Enids eyes became wide

"Omg Wednesday I'm so sorry" she profusely apologized

Wednesday then held her cheeks with one hand squishing her face so her mouth automatically opens

"Your fangs grew" Wednesday said calmly

"You drew blood" her calmness scared Enid

"I'm sorry" Enid closed her eyes

Strangely Wednesdays tongue bled more

She kissed Enid pushing her tongue into her mouth like before

Enid tasted the blood

She then sucked onto Wednesdays tongue tasting more and more blood

Wednesday then pulled her tongue back and they continued to kiss passionately

Enid then dragged her fangs along her girlfriends pale lips slightly cutting them open

"Enid" Wednesday said as she tasted more blood

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Did it hurt?"

"I like pain" Wednesday deadpanned

Soon enough Wednesday had bite marks all over her body

She was bleeding from each mark

Her mouth was covered in blood as Enid kissed her once more

Wednesday was the most turned on she's ever been

The thought of pain made her want more

"Keep going" Wednesday whispered out

Enid did just that she bite and sucked on Wednesdays entire body

By the end of the night Wednesday was putting bandaids on all the cuts and bites Enid had left her
Short story

Ok but the amount of times I have made them kiss with blood involved is alarming. How do we feel about it?

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