Boyfriends and interrogations

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"Way to barge in without knocking." Cid commented. Hunter went to open his mouth to speak but Cid waved her hands. "Don't say anything. I'm sending you boys on a mission."

"What now?" Hunter asked.

"I need you to pick someone up for me."

"We aren't taxi drivers." Hunter retorted.

"You are what I say you are." Cid folded her arms. "I need you to grab this Twi-lek." She tossed the data stick to Hunter.

"Why are we grabbing him?"

"Because one of my suppliers has gone missing and he's been MIA. I think he either had something to do with it or at least knows something."

"Where is he?"

"Batuu." Cid said. "In the Outer Rim. A warmer planet and known for smuggling and disappearing. Leave and find him before he's gone for good."

"Alright." Hunter turned and started walking towards the door.

"Oh another thing." Cid called out and Hunter turned. "Rainbow stays."


Cid folded her arms. "Why are you questioning me? You've never opposed when I make her stay. What changed now?" Hunter rolled his eyes and walked out of her office.

Back in the bar the batch were all still relaxed, he turned to Aurora who was wiping the bar down. "Boys, grab your gear. We leave in 5." He walked up to the bar and Aurora smiled at him.

"What's the mission?" She asked.

"I'm sorry Aurora, but you have to stay." Hunter said, grabbing his helmet which he left on the bar.

Aurora raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Cid specifically said for you to stay."

"And you just rolled over and agreed to this?" She folded her arms.

Hunter sighed. "Aurora, please-"

She waved her hands. "No, it's fine I get it. Thought I was a part of your squad or whatever," she turned her back to him. Cleaning the back counter of the bars. "Just go."


"You don't have to say anything else, go."

Hunter watched as she wiped the same spot over and over. He put his helmet on. "It seemed like Cid had something else planned for you, otherwise you know I would take you." He paused waiting for her to respond but she just kept cleaning. He shook his head and followed his brothers, who had left the parlor once the arguing had started.

Aurora turned back as Hunter had left. "Left me behind?" She crossed her arms. "I don't believe this." She leaned against the bar as Cid walked out.

"Rainbow in my office." She ordered.

"Don't call me that." Aurora retorted.

"Get in here now." Cid demanded.


"No, absolutely not!" Aurora firmly said.

"I'm not giving you the choice. You're doing this." Cid said.

"I don't do that anymore." Aurora folded her arms.

"I need someone to interrogate this man and given your record you used to be able to make anyone talk back on Coruscant. I need you to do this."

"Yea with some shady bantha-shit. I told myself I won't do that ever again."

"I'm not saying you need to remove limbs or kill the man. I just need to know what happened to my supplier is all."

Tracking The Bounty{HunterxOC}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora