Volume I - Chapter I

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She manifested herself in a swirling petals of pink, the delicate blossoms dancing around her body in a mesmerizing display of otherworldly elegance; droplets transformed themselves into a gentle cascade of glittering diamonds — a subtle radiance shimmering amidst the rain. With a serene, almost aloof demeanor, she raised a hand to unfurl an ornate umbrella, its canopy adorned with patterns that mirrored her ethereal beauty.
'My, my... quite a nice change, isn't it~?' A disarming smile, tinged with the barest hint of disinterest, graced her lips as she swept her gaze across the sprawling metropolis; her features, radiant and beguiling, held an enchanting quality that seemed to transcend the boundaries of mere aesthetic. 'So many things just waiting to be discovered~'
She proceeded to turn her sight towards the hooded knight walking around the city, to a pair of adventurers arguing about something related to justice, and towards a figure cloaked in royal blue — her flowing white hair swaying with the wind before her eyes settled on the mega-structure that lies beneath the layers of stone that is Babel.
'... though I suppose I'll leave that one for last~'
The Dungeon — a timeless rift of unfathomable depths with powers akin to mysteries woven into the very shadow of its existence.
No one seems to know when it came to be... yet one thing was certain; it stood as a colossal enigma, its yawning depths and treacherous labyrinths beckoning adventurers with promises of glory... of treasures and of the unknown. Its entrance — an ominous maw carved into the heart of the earth — emitted an aura of both fascination and foreboding, drawing in explorers from every corner of the realm.
So old was the Dungeon that legends were whispered among the denizens of the so-called 'Genkai'. They spoke of its origin, tracing its genesis to a cataclysmic event that had once shattered the world... that within its depths lay secrets and creatures far beyond mortal comprehension.
A chasm of darkness, it was said to have been... a gaping hole that spat forth horrors the likes of which nightmares could scarcely conjure. In an age lost to the memories of even the most learned of scholars, countless heroes of old — valiant warriors and wise mages — had risen to confront this malevolent force, standing as bulwarks against the ceaseless tide of monstrosities; they sacrificed themselves, their attempt to seal the ravenous maw immortalized in the blood-soaked annals of history.
Of course, as tales of the Dungeon spread, a settlement began to take shape around its entrance — a melting pot of scholars, merchants, curious onlookers, and so much more; each, and every single one of them drawn to the allure of the unknown... that, and of fortune. This burgeoning settlement — teeming with cultures and aspirations — eventually grew in size, coalescing into what was now known as Orario — a city with achievements so grand that people all over the world crowned it as the City of Heroes... even if that title is a little bit... undeserving at times.
Nonetheless, for centuries, brave souls had ventured into its cavernous depths, each expedition unveiling both wonders and perils — forging tales of triumph and tragedy that echoed through the annals of time. The labyrinth became more than a mere abyss; it evolved into a crucible of courage, testing the mettle of those who dared to delve into its shadowy recesses.
'Not that it could provide for an adequate entertainment on its own,' she thought with an air of amusement, her orbs of amethyst flitting towards the figures milling about in the streets. 'Still... these potentials...'
With an almost imperceptible flick of her wrist, the petals surrounding her body began to dance to an unseen melody — a gentle breeze carrying their delicate forms across the cityscape; she paused for but a moment, her gaze sweeping across the horizon before returning to the hustle and bustle below — hundreds, if not thousands of possibilities playing out in her mind as she observed the interactions between mortals and immortals alike.

'Really.... mankind and their antics... so unpredictable, yet endlessly entertaining~' A laugh, light and melodic as the tinkling of a distant bell, bubbled forth from her lips — a glint of anticipation dancing in her eyes as she shifted her attention towards the distant part of the city. 'Now, if only that one would stop moping around; everything could've been so much more interesting~'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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