Chapter 29 - The Last Watcher...?

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Forewarning: Death, death, death... yea. Also please don't hate me you knew this had to happen eventually...

Pearl's eyes snapped open, and she found herself back in her bed at the top of the tower, the chilling memory of her death still fresh in her mind. She could hear voices below, and someone climbing up the ladder.

Wait up by her bed, Tango. I'm sure that's where she'll respawn. We'll end her once and for all. Pearl gasped. She scrambled to her feet and threw open a chest, throwing on her nightgown and buckling a makeshift iron chestplate over it. Pearl grabbed her shabby iron sword and braced herself.

Tango flew into the room before Pearl could react, and lunged at her with a weapon in hand.

Pearl dodged his initial strike, the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Her once-sanctuary towe now became a battleground. The clash of metal on metal reverberated through the night as Pearl fought for her life against the large man.

With a swift move, Pearl disarmed Tango, the weapon clattering to the floor. Pearl pressed her iron blade against his neck.

"Checkmate." Peal brought her blade back to finish him, but a searing pain hit her side. Scott, what is happening!? Thankfully, there was no blood. But it had bought Tango enough time to reclaim his own far superior blade and bring it down on her arm.

"Argh!" Blood splurted all over the ground, and the bone in Pearl's lower right arm peaked through the skin. Thankfully, it wasn't her sword arm.

Before Tango could strike again, Pearl managed to slip under his arm, jumping towards the trapdoor shoot in a desperate attempt at survival. Pearl dodged another blow and slammed the trapdoor behind her.

Pearl had never descended the ladder so quickly. As Pearl reached the exit, the moonlit night revealed False waiting in the shadows. Oh no... Pearl had, somehow, forgotten. She was not prepared.

False's expression was unreadable as she raised her weapon, her eyes meeting Pearl's with a cold detachment. "You can't escape, Pearl. It's better to end this now."

Fear and defiance battled within Pearl as she faced the impending threat. Her options dwindled. Run... run... run... how? Before Pearl could decide, False speared through Pearl's leg, and the end was in sight.

. . .

Meanwhile, not a hundred blocks away, Grian's ears caught the echoes of Pearl's desperate cries. His heart raced as he sprinted back towards the fortress, the looming dread intensifying with each step.

. . .

The night air crackled as Grian rushed to the aid of his friend - no, his sister. The distant clash of metal against metal spurred him onward, and a horrific scene unfolded before him.

False, hair undone, bleeding, her blade poised to stab through Pearl's heart as Grian's sister lay bleeding out on the cold floor beneath the woman. Tango watching from the sidelines, breathing heavily. Grian's eyes flared with an otherworldly purple glow as he drew his sword,

"You won't touch her," Grian's voice cut through the clearing. False glanced up, startled, momentarily disarmed. A film of purple Watcher magic surrounded him, a protective barrier that rendered the blades of his assailants ineffective.

False and Tango immediately rushed at Grian, but their blades met an invisible resistance. Grian, now wielding his own sword struck down False, the blade passing through her in a single swift motion. The red woman lay motionless on the ground.

Tango, paralyzed with fear, witnessed the scene unfold. Grian turned towards him, his eyes ablaze with power.

"This is your last chance, Tango. Leave, or suffer the consequences," Grian warned, his voice carrying the weight of a force beyond comprehension.

Tango, his resolve shattered, fled from the moonlit clearing, leaving his partner's dead body to rot.

Grian, now alone with Pearl, turned his attention to the injured woman lying on the ground. Pearl's breaths came in ragged gasps, her life slipping away. Grian knelt beside her, his purple eyes reflecting a determination to defy the rules of life and death.

"G-Grian." Pearl gasped, shocked as she lay in a pool of her own blood. Even if she had the strength for words, she would've been rendered speechless.

"Shhhh, it's okay... I can save you, Pearl," Grian whispered, his voice a comforting sound.

Using the last reserves of his magic, Grian invoked the forbidden power. The air crackled with energy as the purple glow intensified, enveloping Pearl in a shimmering aura. Her wounds healed over, and color returned to her pale face.

As Pearl took her first revitalized breath, Grian felt a surge of satisfaction and relief. However, after the revelation, he was a dead man. There was no world where he survived, Mojang would be here in a matter of seconds to take him away. Torture him, drain him, kill him like all the rest.

"I'm sorry I can't explain. I love you." Grian sunk into the deepest depths of his magic, summoning his entire life force. If he was going to die, he was going down his way. "Goodbye, Pearl. I'll be with you, forever and always."

Grian aimed the last vestiges of his powers at the shimmering barrier in the far north. You could just barely see it from here, flickering in the dark. With a forceful blast, the Watcher's power surged forward. He could give them a chance at survival, maybe there was a world where Pearl could escape...

A loud boom echoed across the server, and Grian's ears rang. There was silence. Then there was a bright light, and Grian instinctively scrambled backward, away from Pearl. She must live.

The ground rocked with a deafening explosion as the magic rebounded off the barrier and struck Grian. His form convulsed with energy, the glow of the Watcher's power flickering like a dying flame. Grian, in his final moments, collapsed to the ground as his body burst into flames.

"It didn't work..." Grian breathed his last. The light left his eyes, and Grian was no more.

As Grian's form blinked and exploded into a sprinkle of purple starlight, his voice remained—a ghostly whisper in Pearl's consciousness. "I am with you."

Pearl collapsed. 

. . .

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