Chapter 3 - Jinxed

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"Excuse me!?" Pearl jumped as if an electric shock had hit her.

"You heard me." Grian met Pearl's gaze. "If you hear those words... you're dead." Grian was completely serious.

"Then how do you know it's a watcher verse? If everyone else who's heard it is dead?" Pearl gasped. She had quickly realized there was more to Grian than met the eye. Grian finally dropped Pearl's gaze.

"Because... well, I... it doesn't matter." Grian wrapped his arms around himself as if trying to shield himself. He suddenly whipped around to face Pearl and snapped, "Did you hear it?"

"Hear what?" Pearl felt dumb.

"The verse. Did you hear it?" Grian looked almost pleading.

"Yes. Yes, I did." Pearl lifted her chin. Grian seemed to crumble on the inside.

"When?" He asked finally.

"I don't know." Pearl shrugged. "I remember singing something wicked when I played in my garden as a toddler. I guess I heard it when I was really young." Pearl sighed. Grian was white as a sheet. "What!?" Pearl gaped.

"You're..." Grian turned away. "Pearl... I think you're jinxed." Grian spoke at last.

"I'm what now?" Pearl raised her eyebrows.

"Tragedy follows you wherever you go. Chaos ensues when you're involved. You're going to die young. Pearl... I'm so sorry." Grian looked close to tears.

"What does that even mean?" Pearl had begun to panic.

"It - I - it doesn't matter." Grian began to jog, trying to get away from Pearl.

"You can't just say something like that and then follow up with 'forget it'!" Pearl huffed, jogging with him. Grian remained silent. "Grian!" Pearl yelled.

"Fine." Grian stopped. "When I was-"

"Hey! Nice win, Pearl!" Ren grinned. He and Cleo came around the corner - it was their match next. Pearl huffed angrily but covered it with a cough.

"Congratulations! That was even shorter than False's match! And it was against a previous winner!" Cleo high-fived Pearl.

"Hey, she broke my shield! What was I supposed to do?" Grian seemed to be back to his normal self. It was the first time Pearl realized just how amazing Grian was at acting.

"Suck it up." Cleo snickered, and Grian scowled playfully. Once Cleo and Ren were gone Pearl wanted to ask Grian what he had been saying, but the moment was gone. There was no way Pearl could convince him to talk now.

"Hey, Pearl!" Scott embraced the young woman when she stepped into the competitor lounge.

"Nice one, Pearl! You completely destroyed Grian!" Jimmy gave her a thumbs up.

"Be quiet, Tim." Grian shot back, glowering. "Ack, if I had just..." Grian trailed off, muttering about all the things he could've done differently during the fight.

After Pearl was congratulated by everyone in the room - except maybe Etho - she took a seat in the back of the room next to quiet Katherine, who was placed last among everyone else in the hub. She had barely qualified for the tournament with a fraction of a point higher than the nearest competitor.

Pearl was happy to embrace the silence for once. She couldn't ever remember enjoying the quietness of solitude since before the war. Solitude reminded Pearl that she was alone. That she had lost something. Silence gave her mind time to wander... time to drift back into her horrific past.

No, Pearl could never fully appreciate the blissful soundlessness of life. As soon as the war had ended Pearl had made sure to be surrounded by people constantly. She made a point to live a loud life. Even her room was the closest to the tavern, where she could hear shouting all night.

It comforted her in an odd, terrible way.

"Pearl? Are you okay?" Scott looked genuinely worried. Pearl had never removed herself from the throng of madness the arena brought in.

"I'm fine." Pearl smiled, but it looked more like a grimace than anything.

"Were you injured?" Scott questioned. Pearl knew just as well as he did that Grian hadn't even scratched her. Scott still waited for Pearl's answer.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just... tired." Pearl spoke eventually.

"Tired!?" In all Scott's days of friendship concerning Pearl, the pretentious lady had never admitted to being tired. Even when black and blue bags hung under her eyes. And now - now - now Pearl didn't even look tired.

"By golly gum, Scott. You'd think I was in a zoo the way you're ogling at me." Pearl teased, finally managing a genuine smile.

"I - I-" Scott stammered. "A - are you sure you're okay?" Scott winced at last.

"Geesh! Yes, I'm alright!" Pearl got to her feet, aware that people were gathering behind Scott They all seemed to be under the same impression that something was wrong with Pearl. "Can I get a moment of silence!" Pearl raised her voice.

Scott looked pale. Silence. Pearl. The two just didn't mix. Pearl hated quiet. Scott knew firsthand. Whenever they would walk together Pearl would practically beg him to just keep talking if it was soundless night. Scott wasn't sure why, but something was definitely wrong now.

"Pearl... a word? In private." Scott suggested, painfully aware of the throng of people gathered behind him. Pearl let out a long, exasperated sigh and consented with a nod of her head.

When they were standing in one of the empty rooms alone, Pearl finally began to dislike silence again. "Okay, cut to the chase, Scott. I can see your brain whirling from here." Pearl chuckled.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked bluntly.

"I - what's wrong?" Pearl frowned. "Nothing. Nothing's wrong. Why?" Pearl cocked her head to the side, confused. How does Scott know something's different?

"Pearl..." Scott knew it was no use, but he wasn't willing to rest easily. Pearl turned to leave. Scott grabbed both her hands and pulled her back. "Pearl..." His voice warned.

"Scott!" Pearl laughed, ripping free. "I told you already - I'm great! Now come on, I don't wanna miss the climax of the match! I bet you... two emeralds that Cleo wins by this much." Pearl squeezed two fingers together and skipped back into the hub before Scott could stop her.

Maybe she is fine... Scott frowned. But deep down he knew something was amiss. What it was... Scott was determined to find out. Somehow. Eventually.

Soulbreak - A MCYT 3rd/Last/Double Life FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now