Chapter 8 - Hellish Heaven

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[PoV - 1st/Pearl]

"You know how to brew potions?" I cock my head to the side as I leap from charred clay block to charred clay block, balancing over the lava.

"How does this come so effortlessly to you?" Martyn tries to wipe the sweat off his face with his shirt. It's a futile attempt.

"Effortlessly? What do you mean 'effortlessly'?" What's Martyn on about, I frown.

"Pearl. In case you haven't noticed, we're a hundred meters in the air balancing on a thin precipice between life and death above a lake of boiling lava, sweating our lives out. And you're smiling and doing some kind of ballet on the bridge. What in Notch's name is wrong with you!?"

I merely giggle, earning me another wide-eyed stare. "Now don't remind me about the heat, Martyn! I had just about forgotten." I scowl.

"You'd just forgotten!?" Martyn facepalmed and nearly fell back into the lava in surprise.

"Watch out. I don't want to have to go to the fortress alone." I snicker.

"I don't think you'd have any trouble..." Martyn mutters. I pretend not to hear him. As I leap off the thin clay precipice onto another main island a strange wave of sickness hits me.

"Agh!" I cry and grip my head. It hurts. It hurts so bad. It's like a bolt of lightning struck my head... then the pain leaves and nausea hits my stomach.

"Pearl are you okay?" Martyn's right above me all of a sudden, worried. He kneels down beside me and waits for me to recover, his panted breath hot on my face.

"Ugh..." I groan as I stagger to my feet, pushing Martyn away. I was on my knees, but I don't remember falling down. It was just white hot pain. Not white hot. Red hot. Red hot pain. As sudden as it came, the nausea leaves and my head feels clear again. I don't even feel that hot or sluggish.

"I'm fine!" My head snaps up and I grin. Martyn looks nervous...

"What just happened?" He calls after me as I skip forward.

"I dunno. An aftershock of the teleportation I guess." I shrug.

"Okay..." Martyn sighs. He sounds like he doesn't believe me... but why wouldn't he? What else does he think could explain the pain? Whatever.

"Blue fire!" I cry, excited. The crazed look has returned to my eyes.

"Pearl, we should be looking for - a nether fortress! This way, Pearl!" Martyn yells.

"Ooh." I stare at the huge brick pillars emerging from the next lava lake. We quickly find a narrow land bridge and cross over to it. "I see the blaze spawner!" A yell as I cut down three wither skeletons in my path.

"Whoa!" Martyn just goggles as I take down all the mobs in our way single-handedly. "Pearl - watch out!" Martyn yells his warning too late as I run up to the spawner. Poof. Poof. Poof. Poof. Poof. Five blazes explode in my face.

"Agh!" I manage to block three bursts of flame but one jet of flame hits the ground beneath me.

"Pearl!" Martyn yells, throwing himself at the blazes. But I'm frozen in place, too startled to move. I can feel the flames - licking up my legs... eating at my shins... lunging for my waist... the heat... it's so intense it feels cold... it feels... pain. Oh, there's so much pain. But it feels... right. The pain is amazing... it's fresh... it's real... it's so cold and hot and perfect-

"Pearl!" I'm knocked out of my trance. "What is wrong with you!?" Martyn yells as he shoves me out of the fire. My legs are severely burnt... they're red and raw and bloody... Martyn just stares at me. "Why?" That is all he asks in a small voice before he turns around and runs his sword through a blaze's heart.

Soulbreak - A MCYT 3rd/Last/Double Life FanFictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat