Chapter 2 - 3, 2, 1, Fight!

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[PoV - 3rd Person/Pearl]

19-year-old Pearl Scemoon thrashed in her sleep as the sun rose above Minecraftia. The same nightmare, the same event relieved over and over again... the day Pearl's mother, her father, her sister, her brother... all gone. Gone like chaff in the wind, as if they had never existed.

But Pearl knew they had existed. She knew it with an aching, empty void in her heart that would never be filled again. The war had taken a heavy toll on Pearl's server... the watchers had attacked with no warning.

A month before all the small servers had shut down. Nobody knew why, but Mojang - the server of Minecraftian leaders - gave no statement. All but the seven ancient servers had been obliterated within hours. Pearl had been... nine? Ten? Perhaps even eleven or twelve...

Years had no meaning anymore. The children fought alongside the men and women. The infant died with the elder. The watchers saw no morals, and the Minecraftians saw no victory. Some said the watchers' awful powers came from the void... others said they came from Mojang.

But it was treason to speak of Mojang helping the watchers. So the people stayed silent, biding their time, waiting for new leaders to arise... none did.

Pearl had fled from refugee camp to refugee camp, stealing forfood, begging for water. She had seen countless friends die along the way... and then finally, finally Mojang stepped up. The watchers were vanquished in less than a day. None remained.

Ecstatic and grateful beyond measure, the people bowed down to Mojang. Yet under the surface, many wondered why Mojang hadn't done something before. The seven long years of war could have been over in a week if Mojang had chosen to come to their aid... why? Why? Why did they wait?

To weaken us. To tear us apart. To leave us vulnerable and gullible. And now it's too late. Pearl was one of the few who understood. She wasn't a rebel. No, far from it. Pearl worked for Mojang in all technicalities. But deep down, she still knew the truth... and she resented it.

Pearl continued to moan in her sleep, crying intangible words as the sun rose above the rise of Minecraftia's first server, Hypixel.

"PEARL!" A familiar boy wearing a different red sweater peeked around the door. Pearl leaped to her feet and brandished her sword, immediately jolting out of her nightmare.

"You sleep with a sword!?" Grian roared with laughter as he shook his wavy dirty-blonde hair.

"Hey, what if you had been a watcher? Your Pearl'o is ready for anything." Pearl snorted, flushing. One of the various effects of Pearl's PTSD - or post-traumatic stress disorder, combined with her clever weariness made her rather... if there was a word for cautiously reckless, that was it.

"For the last time, all the watchers were destroyed, Pearl." Grian rolled his eyes, his smile vanishing. Pearl shot him with an evil eye.

"You never know." Pearl scowled, "And anyhow, Grian, didn't you wake up in the middle of the night screaming fire once?"

"Wha- well, how does that have anything to do with anything!?" Grian cried out in protest.

"I'm saying that none of us have forgotten the war. I play it cautiously, and you can either respect that, or I can absolutely smash you in today's PvP match." Pearl merely raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, you can try!" Grian flashed her a mischievous grin and vanished. Pearl could hear his footsteps echoing down the hall as she sighed and sunk back into her stiff white mattress.

It had been - what? - Two years now since Pearl had joined the Minecraftia PvP Arena. Somehow she had crawled her place up into the All-Minecraftia Finals for PvP this year. She was in the top fifty, but today would decide the top twenty who would fight in the final game.

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