Chapter eighteen: The golden gates

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My heart sinks as we pass the point we made it to last time. I recall Dahlia charging towards us in the distance, as if it were moments ago. As we continue on, I begin to feel excitement. My curiosity is certainly piqued at the prospect of seeing Heliosos. It dawns on me that I will likely be the only member of my family to see it. Hell, the only Tundarian to see it in the last century. As peaceful as I feel, cuddled up to Augustus, this moment feels monumentous. Something inside me is buzzing. Or maybe it's just the bumpiness of the road. It's evident that it hasn't been kept to a high standard but that makes sense. The path from Heliosos to Tundara has scarcely been used. Decades of divide are coming to a close and I'm a part of it. It saddens me that my father will not be here to see it. The rebirth of Eristia that he planned for. However, I feel in my soul that he is watching me. Watching history unfurl.

"We shall reach the gate soon. I'm grateful there's still some daylight. The gold reflects beautifully in the sun." Augustus tells me. I find myself unconsciously holding onto his arm tight. Trying to ground myself. Touching him still makes my stomach flip. When we first met, I never would have imagined that we'd be like this.

Augustus perks up and points forward. I follow his finger and see it. The most dazzling gate I've ever seen. There are beautiful suns and stars in a brilliant yellow gold. The few rays of daylight illuminate the design. I cannot help but gasp. It is breathtaking!

"The castle is only a few minutes away now. How are you feeling, Wyn?" Augustus asks me tentatively. Truthfully, I feel too much to call it any one thing. There's nervousness, excitement, curiosity and grief all bubbling inside me.

"I'm not sure. I am quite overwhelmed." I tell him. Trying not to let on just how stressed I am. I do not know what waits for me in Heliosos and there is nothing mankind fears more than the unknown. Augustus tells me I have nothing to worry about and that he will be by my side the entire time. It is nice to know that someone cares for me.

A few minutes later and we arrive outside an even bigger golden gate. It strikes me as slightly odd that Heliosos would need a gate and then a gate to the palace but we proceed nonetheless. As we enter, I see maids and staff rushing around. Anticipating our arrival. Augustus told his father we would be back, two weeks to the day, but wether they believed him or not is another thing. As the carriage halts, I am greeted by a beautiful woman. Her hair is yellow like corn and glimmers like gold. I've only ever read about blonde hair in books. It is quite dazzling in person. As are her hazel eyes and freckles. I'm so distracted by her appearance, I don't register anything she says.

"I am ever so sorry. I did not hear that. Please, say that again" I say. Still staring at her. Her skin is slightly lighter than Augustus' but still much warmer and darker than my own.

"Certainly. I said, welcome to Heliosos, your grace. My name is Celia and I shall be your lady-in-waiting. It is an honour to work for you, Princess Wyn." She introduces herself, extending a hand. Her voice is soft and twinkly. She speaks the way I'd imagine a fairy would. Her aura is nothing but pure.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. I sense we shall get along swimmingly!" I respond. Accepting her hand and making my way out of the carriage. Several people have already taken our bags and are walking inside. Augustus hops out and throws an arm around me. The move feels possessive but I do not mind.

"Celia, long time no see. Where is Father?" He asks. My instinct is to be peeved at their familiarity but I quickly remind myself that I am his wife. We are soon to be married again. I do not have much to fear whilst I have that title. Celia bows politely to Augustus before answering.

"Last I heard, he was in the throne room. When the carriage was spotted, he was immediately informed that you'd both be arriving." She informs us. I only pray he isn't too angry. Father dying was a huge shock, I couldn't abandon my family. Augustus thanks her and guides me inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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