Chapter fifteen: The Icelyn patriarch

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"Dahlia, what has happened to father?" I desperately ask. King Birch reaches us and demands to know what is stopping us.

"Wyn, when you left he- he just collapsed. He was taken to see physicians and they said he does not have a lot of time..." Dear god. "They predict he will die tonight. You had to know." Dahlia finishes. I instantly gasp, shocked beyond belief. The news shakes my core. When I said goodbye to Father, I did not think I would never see him again. I thought I would see him eventually. My heart was not ready to lose him. We all knew he was getting older and sicker but not today of all days. He seemed fine. None of us detected anything. If anything, he has been well recently. A guttural cry escapes me. Not when I'm leaving. My mind races, thinking about Mother fretting over him,  Stellan must be in tears and whittaker will be in peices. I cannot even comprehend Oren's reaction. Father has been his world since he was born. Oren was always the favourite. What kills me most is that I am not there. I should be there. Comforting my brothers. Holding my mother as she weeps. Telling Father how much I love him, how I appreciate the life he has given me. Telling him what a gift he has been Tundara. I begin to sob. Crumbling to my knees. Augustus rushes to my side, holding me up. I cling to hi, crying in utter despair.

"I am sorry. I had to tell you, Wyn. I know it is your wedding day but it seemed cruel to keep this from you." Dahlia continues, tears welling in her eyes. Father personally chose Dahlia as head of the royal guard, itmust be a shock to her too. Augustus guides me to the carriage and sits me on the foot step.

"Well we cannot just stay on this road all night!" King Birch angrily exclaims. Queen Ivy nods along with him.

"You are right, Father. We must turn back at once!" Augustus responds. Assisting me into the carriage.

"No!" King Birch barks. "The both of you are expected in Heliosos" If I weren't so grief stricken, I would be angry at his lack of humanity.

"Don't be so ridiculous! Her father is dying as we speak. Whatever is planned in Heliosos can wait." Augustus snaps back. My entire body breaks out in swears and I struggle to breathe. Dahlia places a hand on my shoulder, looking at me but I can't look. This cannot be real.

Augustus continues to argue with his father but nothing registers. A thousand thoughts overwhelm my mind. Each one more disheartening than the last. That's when I realise.

"Dahlia, you did not train. You could die!" I screech. She shakes her head.

"You had to know. No one else was willing-" she begins to explain.

"Then we really must return or her blood is on your hands!" Augustus says loudly and firmly. King Birch pauses for a moment.

"Two days." Birch mutters.

"That will not suffice. Two weeks." Augustus quickly snaps back. King Birch scoffs. Exasperated by the debate.

"This is not up for debate Father! My wife will not be made to suffer this way. We are leaving right now and we will return in two weeks." Augsutsus helps me into the carriage while Dahlia returns to her horse. "Do what you must in Heliosos but we must leave. Time is not on our side. Whatever engagements are in place can be rearranged" Augustus continues as we ready ourselves to turn back. King Birch turns red and huffs back to his carriage without another word. I am not sure if he agreed to the terms but it is settled.
Augustus asks the Coachman to turn around and hear some disagreement. I lean forward, desperate to know what is stopping us. Every moment spent waiting is a final moment for my father. Through a small window, typically used for making demands during the journey, I see Augustus arguing with the coachman.

"I answer to King Birch only, prince Augustus. He has not willed it-"

"Move." Augustus cuts the coachman off. His voice comes out harsh and firm. The coachman is flustered but Augustus stares him down. Daring him to disobey. His eyes are suddenly full of contempt and distress. He wants to get moving as badly as I do. The coachman eventually backs off. Running after King Birch's carriage. Augustus sits in his place and takes the reins in his hands.

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