Chapter five: A bitter dinner

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Augustus and I make our way inside. Still brushing snow off our clothes. I barely step foot in the entryway when Stellan angrily approaches me. Very rarely is Stellan ever anything but content. His aggressive walk makes me uneasy. I say goodbye to Augustus who gives me a kiss on the cheek before walking past Stellan. He and my brother exchange a look. A look that only men can really understand. Some kind of masculine intimidation. I step forward, placing a hand on Stellans shoulder.

"Brother dearest. I do not have long before dinner and as you can see, I got quite doused in snow-"

"Believe me, I saw. That's why I wish to speak to you. It will not take much of your time. Follow me" he cuts me off. Again, very unusual. Stellan is typically a very patient soul and an excellent listener. But I oblige. Wishing to satiate my curiosity. He guides me to the hallway outside my chambers. Checking we're alone. Strange.

"Stellan." I say his name very seriously. "What is going on?" I ask. Genuinely concerned. He lets out an exasperated breath before composing himself. Looking me deep in the eye. Whatever it is, I just wish he'd spit it out.

"Wyn. I saw you and Prince Augustus from the window. I am worried-"

"Worried? Whatever for?" I laugh. This time I'm intterupting. Totally confused by what could be worrying about two people talking in the snow. August, as of right now, appears totally harmless. The worst he did was throw a snow ball at me and it's an offence I'd gladly forgive. Stellan doesn't back down however. Continuing as if I said nothing.

"Wyn. I do not want you falling for him" he states. His voice is low and tense.

"Who said I'm falling for him? And even so, he is to be my husband. Father of my children. Love would be a natural progression, no?" My voice is tinged with amusement as I struggle to take his concerns seriously. Stellan places two hands on my shoulders. Holding me in place.

"You will get hurt. I know more about male royalty than you do. They cheat. They lie. They do as they please. I cannot save you from this arrangement but as your brother, I am telling you. Please protect your heart. You are a genuine soul. Full of love to give. I do not want you to squander it on an undeserving prince. He may be your betrothed and someday, father your children but for now, he is a stranger." Stellan turns his head to Sofia and Dahlia walking towards us. Ready to help me dress for dinner.

"Please. Do not give yourself away so easily" he finishes. Turning on his heels and fleeing. His words sit with me uncomfortably. All this time, I believed myself to have the situation under control. Or as much control as possible in my position. But am I really being with the prince? Is our little rapport something to fear? Before I can ponder any further, Dahlia opens the door for me. I quickly enter and allow Sofia to dress me while Dahlia stands guard.

Dahlia is a dear friend of mine and the head of the royal guard. Previously, women could not be any kind of enforcement but after the thinning we quickly had to change our minds. Running out of fit men to protect us. Since then, it's been commonplace to have female knights and Dahlia is the finest of them all. She was assigned to watch me in particular due to some feeble threats. Not that I mind. Dahlia has a fierce spirit that I can't help but admire. She never fails to make me feel at ease despite the fact she's following my every move.

Sofia makes light work of dressing me in a simple white dress. Putting my hair into a long braid. I thank her before leaving my chambers. Dahlia three steps behind me. Stellans words play on my mind as we make our way to the dining hall. It's disturbed me. The thought that from an outside perspective, I seem infatuated with Augustus. He's just fine and I'm sure we could be friends in the future but a friendship is as vulnerable as I can afford to be. Being shipped to Heliosos is unknown territory and I need to be wary.

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