Chapter six: Reconcile or ruin

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From my open window, I see snow falling from the sky. A wonderful sight to wake up to. I'm starting to mourn all the things I'll miss about Tundara. Apparently I have two more weeks at home before I leave for Heliosos. After yesterday, I'm less than excited about going. I'm going to be so homesick. I barely like leaving to explore the town - opting to stay cozy in my bed or do some painting. Each morning I admire my shelf of trinkets. Little bracelets from childhood, miniature wooden statues and what not. It won't be the same in Heliosos and I can't explain it.

There's a knock at my door followed by Dahlias voice. I don't even register what she says before saying 'come in'. She and Sofia immediately enter and begin to get ready me for the day. This morning I have to hold hot coals, have another hot oil massage, drink elixir and sit in the boiler room until lunch. Yet all of that is better than spending time with my fiancé. Our fight yesterday has left me with a sour taste in my mouth. Must this be the family I marry into? Two insensitive idiots and their coward son. I feel like I did the day I found out. No joy. No hope. Just dread.

Sofia puts me in a cotton tunic. Something easy to remove and appropriate to sweat in. She then removes my braid from yesterday and puts my hair into two buns over my ears. A traditional Tundarian hair style. Keeps your ears warm and is cheaper than ear muffs if you have long enough locks. The three of us leave my chambers and head to the boiler room when Augustus appears. I roll my eyes and keep moving but he won't allow that.

"Wyn, I know you have things to do but if you could just spare me a moment-" he begins. His eyes look tired. Momentarily I feel sorry for him but then I remember Stellans warning. I must harden myself. So I pause and tell Dahlia and Sofia to stand back a little so we have some privacy.

"Dear Prince, I cannot delay but don't worry. This afternoon, on our walk, you shall have my undivided attention" my voice is sickly sweet and I'm odviously putting on a facade. I cannot retaliate as I wish to but I know he values honesty. That's all I can take away from him; my sincerity. Augustus looks as frustrated as yesterday. Clearly not enjoying my doting princess act. He steps closer to me and Dahlia rushes to my side. The prince looks at her then back at me.

"She is my fiancé. Can you please let me talk to her-"

"Talking is one thing. You approached her. I cannot guarantee you won't hurt her again" Dahlia says. Stone cold. This is why I love her! She's unafraid. August looks like Dahlia just slapped him. Embarrassed by his behaviour yesterday.

"I will not be disrespected by a lady-in-waiting" he responds. Acting all high and mighty. Little does he know what he's done. Silly man. I turn back slightly and see Dahlia smiling. Not a pretty smile or a genuine smile. A smile that says 'i'm going to enjoy this'. Don't hold back D!

"For your information, Prince Augustus, I am not a lady-in-waiting. I am, in fact, head of the royal guard, Dahlia Andrews. The men who protect you in Tundara answer to me. Don't forget that." She says. It's not a threat but an assertion of power. Power I'm envious of. Augustus is clearly flustered by her response and looks at me for confirmation. A similar knowing smile creeps onto my face as I nod at him. The prince sighs.

"You have female knights here?" He asks.

"You haven't noticed?" I respond. Stepping closer to him. "A future king should be more vigilant than that" He may be taller than me but right now, I feel as if I'm towering over him. He moves out of the way. Defeated. So, we continue on our journey.


After Lunch, I'm learning about Heliosos and it's culture. It rubs salt in the wound of dinner yesterday. Perhaps Tundara could've thrived the way they have given the right conditions. I'm sure great-grandfather Nicholas wishes he could've spent his time watching operas and playing the harp or swimming. Instead, he was trying to save a dying population. At breakfast, I was informed that the designs for my wedding dress are completed and after dinner I am to review and choose one. I know his mother will be there and I'm already engaged before even seeing her smug face. Had dinner not happened, I would've been genuinely excited to pick a wedding gown. But now it feels like choosing which chains to wear to prison.

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