Chapter ten: The story of skin

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My hands tremble as I cautiously knock on the Prince's door. Praying to wake him and only him. After a few moments, I go to knock again but before my fist can meet the door, it peels open. Behind it is a sleepy Augustus. He looks so docile like this. His long curls are messy and his entire body is loose and relaxed. The cream tunic he's wearing hangs off him slightly, exposing his collar bone. I've never seen him so disheveled but I like it. This is the prince at rest. I realise I've been silently staring at him for too long so I clear my throat.

"Let me in!" I whisper and he stands aside. I use the flame from the candle in my left hand to light the candles in his room. Providing us proper light. Augustus flops onto his bed and I sit myself beside him. It isn't the first time I've been in his room. I forced my way in just yesterday during our discussion but this feels more scandalous. The two of us alone in the dark of night. I hope he believes me when I reveal my innocent intentions.

"So, our little quarrel yesterday got me thinking. I want to show you that we are entering a comitted partnership. Whatever things turn out to be, we shall be a team. You said you were open to it before but I wanted to ask...if you wanted to get our wedding tattoos tonight." I hold my breath as I anticipate his answer. It's a big ask and it's a bit sudden but it played on my mind all day and I thought this would be a good step for us. Plus, our entire wedding is being decided by his mother and a team of professionals. It would be nice to have something just for us. Augustus seems to think about it but he says nothing. I may need to do more convincing. While I think, I place my candle and candle holder on his vanity.

I reach into my satchel for my designs, hoping my art work can win him over. See, I've always wanted to be married. Not that I'd ever admit that. True love is something that fascinates me. So as a child, I would often day dream about my future husband and draw tattoo ideas. My current circumstances aren't as romantic as my fantasies but I don't have to waste my ideas. I pick up as many parchments as I can and lay them out between us. His eyes widen slightly. Meticulously, he admires each one. Having him review my work makes me a bit self conscious. I feel myself flush slightly. Once he's gone over a handful of so, he meets my eyes.

"You really desinged these?" He asks, eyes full of wonder. I nod. He looks suprised as he makes his way through the rest of them. The penultimate one seems to really spark his fancy. Augustus picks it up and admires it closely. Similarly to the way I did the Cranberry dress. It fills me with hope. My idea might still come to fruition.

"This one is just... magnificent." He pauses again. Smiling down at my work. "How we would get these done now? It's the middle of the night." Don't underestimate me, princey. I fill him in on my plan, telling him about the guard and carriage waiting downstairs. The infamous hand-poke tattoo artists in town who works through the night. We could go get it done and return before anyone stirs. Just say yes...

"Wyn, this is reckless."

I nod.

"This is bending the rules at best and totally disregarding protocol at worst."

I nod.

No point denying what I know to be true. He lets out a sigh and looks up at me with a big smile. "As long as you understand that... Let's have an adventure!" Augustus whispers loudly. Brimming with excitement. I knew he'd get it! I put our chosen design in my satchel while Augustus puts on his magnificent golden cape, some trousers under his tunic and boots. Meanwhile I never got into my nightwear so I'm ready to go. Sofia knows my plans and has sworn to secrecy. Except the other maids. This will be gossip, I am sure. Once he's finished, we take our leave together but not before blowing out all the candles.

We make our way downstairs. Being careful to avoid any creaky floorboards. Tiptoeing slowly, we walk hand in hand. Smiling at each other like giddy children.

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