Chapter nine: Cupids arrow

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My revenge for Augustus may be slightly devious but something within me wants to make him as flustered as he made me. So today as Sofia and I picked a dress, I decided to go for something bold. A dress I had yet to wear. See, prior to this arrangement, mother had sat me down and told me I would need to start searching for suitors. In an attempt to appear more attractive, she had a few sultry dresses made. However - I was quickly betrothed to August so I never had to use them. Funny how things work out.

Sofia tells me I simply must wear the emerald green one. It's a rich colour with a low neckline that emphasises the bust. The intense boning also creates very feminine shapes. The material is silky too, it simply begs to be touched. All those elements together make for an appealing gown. It takes a while but after some breathing in and a few laughs - we manage to get me in it. As strenuous as it was, when I see myself in the mirror - I know this was the right choice. Next, Sofia tackles my hair. Creating a masterpiece of braids and jewelry while allowing a river of black waves to flow down my back. All together, I look opulent and seductive. I'm not sure Prince Augustus is ready for me.

I make my way to the hall when I bump into my mother. She remarks at how unusual it is for me to be so early. Mid sentence, she stops and takes in my dress. The topic quickly changes as she excitedly tells me how she's longed for me to wear one of her picks. It's a sweet moment. My mother and I rarely get to have times like this.

We enter the hall and find my brothers already there. Whittaker doesn't even look up from his breakfast. Stellan waves. Oren bows to our mother very formally before continuing to eat. I sit down and anticipate my husband's arrival. One by one, the rest join us and we all indulge in our porridge. Predictably, Augustus is the last to enter the hall. His eyes immediately meet mine. As he takes his seat, he looks me up and down. I'm glad he noticed the dress.

"Good morning Augustus" I say sweetly. "How do you like your porridge?" I ask. Whittaker gives me a look. Surprised by my doting behaviour.

"I am to be his wife, I should know his preferences." I explain. Phrased strategically so Whittaker pays no mind and Augustus reads too much into it. I lean over, being sure to push my chest forward, and hand him some cinnamon syrup. It's good stuff, he really should try it, but that's not why I'm assisting him. From this angle, especially due to his height, he cannot help but stare at my bosom. Perhaps my ego imagined it but I could've sworn he was drooling slightly. What I am certain of, however, is the blush on his cheeks. It's unmistakable. To the point Queen Ivy commented on it. Now he can maybe appreciate my embarrassment yesterday. For the rest of breakfast, Augustus periodically stops eating to stare at me. Had I not planned for this, his hungry stare would've made me squirm. But right now, I'm cool and collected. Enjoying the sweet taste of vengeance.

After breakfast, I'm due for an hour in the boiler room. On my way to this appointment, I'm stopped by Augustus. He seizes my arm and when I look up, his eyes are wild. Unexpectedly he pulls me towards him so our bodies are flush together. I instantly feel it. My eyes instantly look down and confirm my suspicions. His manhood is throbbing on my leg through my skirt. My coolness is replaced by a mix of panic and need.

"You are tempting me wife." He says. His seriousness is both exciting and unsettling. I avert my eyes. Not wanting to give the truth away and shake my head. Augustus puts a finger under my chin and turns my face. His smile isn't charming or bright like usual. There's something wicked about it.

"You shouldn't lie to your husband" he whispers. There's an unfamiliar huskiness to his voice that leaves me breathless. Our teasing has gone too far. I surrender to him as he presses closer to me. I step back but find myself wedged between the window and the prince. "Don't tease me again, sweet Wyn, or I shall have to follow through. And that would not be not proper now, would it? An unwed maiden with a lover. It's simply unheard of." my mind isn't sure how to react but my body is already responding. The fluttering stomach, parted lips and hot skin is an immediate give away. It only seems to spur him on. He seizes my waist and places a kiss on my neck. To my horror, I let out an uncontrollable whimper. Augustus immediately steps back. As if my noise brought him back to life. Raking a hand through his hair, he struggles to find the words. Hesitating to speak.

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