Chapter thirteen: The first Vow

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The villagers have been setting up our wedding parade for days which helps to put my worries to rest. I hope it is a sign that only a few people share Rin's views. It has been playing on mind ever since she was arrested. The way she screamed. The extremes she went to trying to prevent our union. I'm grateful she didn't succeed. This engagement felt like a punishment, at first. Now I'm happy that Augustus is my betrothed. In a few hours, we will be married. Bound to eachother in the eyes of the law. Witnessed by our families and the people of my home. A month and a half ago, I never thought I'd be smiling in anticipation of my wedding day. But I'm laying here, excited for him to wake up and for this day to start. Typically, I'm not too fond of mornings but I could not sleep. I suppose all brides feel that way. My stomach is filled with fluttering butterflies.

Last night, I saw the periwinkle gown for the first time. The designers did an impeccable job. I could not imagine getting married in anything else. My beaded veil rests on my vanity. I stare at the beautiful stitching. The way the white pearls are arranged make it look like a snow storm. I cannot wait to see it trail behind me as I walk to Augustus.

Choosing which item to burn was difficult. Ultimately, I decided to discard my wooden heart. I carved it out as a child in the hope that someday, my true love would give it to me. Now that I am to be married, it feels useless. True love did not bring us together and that's okay. Besides, I have too many trinkets. Some will have to be sacrificed before making the journey to Heliosos. I wonder what Augustus will burn. Suddenly, he stirs, blinking up at me. His ears must have been burning.

"Good morning..." I say quietly. Stroking his long curls. He pushes into my hand like a house cat.

"Good morning... wife" he sleepily smiles at me. After today, he can call me that and actually mean it. We stay like that until my new lady-in-waiting Giselle knocks the door. She always knocks so gently, it makes her indentifiable. My heart aches a little everytime I see her. So far, she's been a wonderful lady to me. But I always thought Sofia would be dressing me on my wedding day. Braiding my hair in the way she does while trying to find some secret to tell the other maids. I say a little prayer for her whenever she comes to mind. What she did was wrong but her punishment was harsh. Although, it makes sense she would not be trusted in the palace anymore. She could have killed a royal. Giselle gives me a small bow and I get out of my bed. Augustus whines and I laugh at his childish plea for me to come back to bed.

"Go on now, Augustus. Today is a day that you cannot afford to be tardy!" I warn. He rolls his eyes but obeys. Walking away, presumably to get breakfast. While I can start late and still be punctual - he would simply not make it. Wouldn't be much of a wedding without the groom. Giselle makes her way to the plum chaise lounge. Stroking my gown. The shimmering bodice is simply breathtaking. It will be as if I'm showered in crystals. She begins preparing but tells me to go and eat. I cannot imagine eating right now. My stomach is doing flips!

After a small breakfast, I hurriedly make my way to my room. Sitting on my chair, eagerly waiting to become a glowing bride. Giselle begins with my hair. She starts by using a hot rod to curl my hair. My natural texture is only slightly wavy, Giselle expertly creates big twisting curls. Her hands meticulously exploring my hair relaxes me. Just what I need, I am elated but I am also nervous. This is the biggest event I've ever been a part of and I'm the centre of attention. Once my head is voluminous and curled, she begins creating a plait that circles the circumference of my head. The finishing touch is a few framing curls and the tiara. It's just as beauteous as the design. My dress isn't even on and I feel divine. The most gorgeous I've ever felt in my life. Just as a bride should feel.

Giselle then gets me into my wedding dress. Careful not to ruin the hair she just masterfully styled. Once it's over my head and my arms are in the sheer sleeves, she laces up the corset. My body is instantly moulded into a womanly shape. Pushing my breasts up and slimming my waist. The corseting is digsuised from the front which makes it look natural. Just as she reaches for the veil, there's a knock at my door.

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