Chapter four: Wedding traditions

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I'm beginning to become bored with heat training. The strict routine of it all is numbing my brain and dulling my spirit. My days are mostly spent yearning for my past. The freedom of being unwanted and unimportant. I've quickly become almost as important as Oren and it's upsetting. For both of us. He tries to conceal it but we can all tell that Oren is bitterly jealous of my current status. He's moodier than ever and always glaring at me during dinner. He is far too easy to read. I wish I could be so envious of my life but attention is a trap. Every waking moment is accounted for and rarely am I ever alone. Truly alone. To decompress or process or anything. I'm barely left alone to bathe. My afternoon walks with Augustus are actually a great escape. I find myself actually looking forward to it. My time with Augustus is as much freedom as I get.

Today, Sofia picks out a red gown for me to wear. Deeper than blood, it is the most magnificent colour! It comes with a belt woven with strings of gold. Which will match Augustus' cape very nicely. I opt not to wear a tiara today. Giving myself some semblance of normalcy. As Sofia puts on my velvet gloves, Augustus knocks the door. Sofia lets him in as I finish pulling up my gloves. He leans against the door way casually. To my surprise, he's wearing red today as opposed to his usual black ensemble. A red high necked tunic with black trousers and his brilliant golden cape. I can imagine the joy my mother feel when she sees us matching so perfectly.

"I see you are copying me your highness" I playfully tease. Augustus lets out a small chuckle before striding towards me.

"Can you blame me? You do look beautiful today" he responds. I've become somewhat accustomed to Augustus' flirty nature but the compliments still manage to catch me off guard. He does not spare me however. "Princess Wyn, you are too sweet. A true blushing bride, is she not?" He tells sofia, who quickly nods. I wave a hand in the air. Asking him to surrender. He laughs again, enjoying his victory. I'm still unsure what to make of his lines but I don't mind his attention. Besides, he'll cut it out when we're alone. He usually does. Alone on palace grounds is as close to authentic as either of us can be. We aren't the next royal couple. Just August and Wyn.

With that, Augustus escorts me out. I wave goodbye to Sofia who has a cheeky smile on her face. I'm sure our little interaction will be great gossip for the maids.

On our way to the garden, we bump into Queen Ivy. Naturally, we both bow and she gives us a nod. Acknowledging the gesture. Queen Ivy is the embodiment of regality. Perfectly poised at every moment. Excellent posture, totally composed and radiantly beautiful. Her skin is deeper than Augustus' with not a single blemish on her face and besides some laugh lines, her complexion is flawless. Her curls are long and voluminous, thicker than any hair I've ever seen. Despite this, it's never in her way and she never fusses with it. I find it difficult to meet her eyes. Her level of perfection is downright terrifying. She intimidates even the most powerful of people without being obnoxious or aggressive. Her way of exuding pure confidence is enough. The only person she doesn't intimidate is her husband. Nor does she try to. Ivy Solace is everything I must become.

"My dear Son" she begins. Placing a kiss on each of his cheeks. "Lovely Princess Wyn" she gives me a brief hug. She even smells nice dammit. "I presume you're on the way to your walk. I shall not keep you long but I'm excited to say that we're beginning wedding planning!" She says beaming. Augustus and I exchange a look. It feels so real suddenly. Our engagement has been shoved down our throats, we hardly forgot but it's felt so distant. Until now. Now plans are being made. My cage is being welded as we speak.

"I remember my own wedding day so fondly. I sincerely hope to give my daughter-in-law an equally exquisite day." She continues. Looking down at me, she's tall too, with eyes full of love. The prince scoffs beside me. Ballsy.

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