Chapter eight: Curiousity grows

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Augustus had given me such a wonderful feeling this morning. Sadly, heat training somewhat ruined it. No amount of giddiness can numb to sting of hot coals or the nasty taste of elixir. Or the ache after those damn massages.

But Augustus being who he is has made one thing better. It's surreal to me that he's here. Sat next to me in my classroom. The lessons have been getting shorter and shorter which I greatly appreciate but they are still dull. The teacher is uninspired. The material makes me feel homesick before I've even left. I always knew Heliosos would be different. How could it not be? But my god, everything about it feels so alien. Over the last month and half - I've learnt about the four major festivals during the year, opera, harps, hairstyles and swimming. It's apparently like a bath but a big bath and you move through it. I can't even imagine it. Any water outside the warmth of the home just freezes. How could you move through it? It's going to be a big adjustment. Bigger than I ever anticipated. I am bracing myself.

But today is a little less painful with Augustus here. Seeing him really apply himself makes me feel less hopeless. It seems that he really does intend to be a different king than his father. A different man all together. Birch would never lower himself like this. Doing something as pleabian as educating himself. In spirit of Augustus' presence, we've decided to quiz eachother. I ask him what he's learned about Tundara and he asks me what I've learned about Heliosos. It's a refreshing and welcome change from listening to Dolby's lectures. He was more than happy to have the day off!

"So, August, what is our national instrument?" I ask smirking. He can never seem to remember this one. You can almost see the wheels turning in his mind as he searches for an answer. I watch him start to speak and stop multiple times. I can't suppress my giggles but he gently taps my arm. Annoyed that I'm enjoying this. Frustrated that he can't figure it out. Eventually, he gives in. Letting out a big huff.

"Enlighten me, dear Wyn." He responds, playfully grumpy.

"Snow drums princey. It's snow drums." I gleefully inform him. He immediately scoffs at himself. We've discussed it multiple times yet it always evades him. There's a smile on his face despite his loss. It's not really a competion. No prize. Nothing to lose or gain. But he's a very disciplined student who wants to succeed and I'm stubborn to a fault.

"One day I'll have to perform a peice on the snow drums and maybe it'll finally stick in your head" I laugh. Augustus looks at me. Still happy but a bit more serious. The shift makes me slightly nervous. I'm suddenly aware of myself. And aware of the strange feeling he always inspires in me.

"I'd love to see that. It's something I very much look forward to." He replies. Scooting closer to me on the bench we're sharing. I'm not sure if he's consciously done that but I've certainly noticed. The action makes me feel desired. As does his response. I only offered to play snow drums but he's accepted as if I've offered him gold. Something about his honesty and openness always seems to catch me off guard. It's something I admire about him. In royal life, it's very rare to find someone who is brave enough to be vulnerable. Being emotional isn't praised or encouraged at all. But it is so deeply imbedded in him to wear his heart on his sleeve. If nothing else, my husband shall keep me on my toes. I'm sure of it and I eagerly await the challenge.

"I ask you the same thing princess." Augustus says. Looking ever so proud of himself. As if I wouldn't know. His mother doesn't stop talking about damn harps. Sometimes I think she loves them more than the king. She speaks of them so fondly. Surprisingly, I find myself a little excited to go to a concert with her. I proudly proclaim the correct answer and his face falls. Better luck next time, love. Before I can win, Dahlia and another guard enter the room. They both bow and we nod back.

"Your highness. Princess Wyn. Your presence is required in the dining hall. Everyone is waiting for you both so they can start serving-"

"Oh my god!" Augustus laughs. Dahlias words make me notice our surroundings. It's sunset already? Being with him made my miserable lessons feel like effortless fun. So much so, we extended the classroom time by two hours. I can't even imagine what our families are thinking right now. We immediately stand up. Chuckling to ourselves. He gives me his hand so I can step over the bench. Dahlia and the guard stand back so we may leave the room ahead of them.

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