(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 3

Start from the beginning

MJ's voice: "But that's just insane!"

Peter: "And in a way, I kinda get it. Everyone knows who you are, so the feeling of Spider-man being an extraordinary person is sort of gone, now that everyone knows Spider-man is just a teenager with powers"

MJ's voice: "You think all the attention is getting to him?"

Peter: "He could be...I mean, it's the first time he's going on patrol without his mask on. Something about 'seeing if it hits different' sort of experiment he's doing"

Peter then sets the application aside before changing the subject.

Peter: "How's it going with the others, they decided on where they wanna go yet?"

MJ's voice: "Hmm...Betty and Gloria are having trouble with what they're gonna get for college, Miles is still looking at a scholarship in New Jersey, and Gwen's looking to apply to England"

Peter: "Seems like everyone is going to different places for college"

MJ's voice: "Yeah...Everyone except..."

Peter: "Y/n..."

The next day, Midtown High can be seen being bombarded by reporters and photojournalists. Peter can be seen carrying his backpack as he walks with MJ along with the rest, making their way to school to embark on their Senior year in High school.

Reporter #1: "We're covering the first day of senior year for Midtown High's most famous student, Y/n Parker! Go get 'em, Tiger! Or should I say, Spider? oh- There he is!"

Reporters and journalists quickly turn to the swinging Y/n, arriving in his civilian attire as he touches down before catching up with Peter and the others.

Reporters: "Spider-man! Spider-man!"

Spider-man Fan #1: "Spider-man! We love you!"

Spider-man Fan #2: "Give us a smile, Y/n!"

Spider-Man Fan #3: "Do a flip!"

Y/n: "Sorry, I really gotta head to class. Peter, wait up!"

Y/n runs past several reporters, making it to the front where Y/n latches onto Peter by tossing his arm over his shoulder.

Y/n: *sigh* "Shit...I can't believe we're making it to senior year. Can you?"

Peter: "With the amount of crazy stuff that's happened to us, I can't believe that we even got to move up from freshman year"

Suddenly, a police officer waves their handheld metal detector in front of Y/n, causing the two to stop as Y/n is frisked.

Y/n: "A little excessive don't you think?"

The police then grabbed Y/n by the arm before escorting him inside the school.

Y/n: "Guys, seriously, this isn't necessary! I have to wait for my friends"

Peter: "Just go on ahead, we'll see you inside"

Random Student: "Who are you?"

Peter: "I'm Peter Parker. I'm Y/n Parker's best-"

Flash: "-Y/n Parker's best friend"

Flash then appears behind Peter, defending him from their heckling.

Flash: "You come at my boy? You come at Flash Thompson. You wanna read about our inspiring friendship? You can now from my new book, Flashpoint"

Flash then presents the crowd with a book, with his face and title displayed boldly on the cover.

Flash: "One spider, two hearts, a million crazy-ass memories. Check it out"

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