Gryffindors (important note)

846 17 7

TW: nothing really
      There is an important note at the end, please read

Remus slipped out of the common room into the corridor, ignoring the complaints from the portrait for being out of bed after hours. He slid down against a wall to sit on the floor, his head hitting his knees. It was just too loud and there were too many people.

The music was way too loud, all the people shouting over the noise trying to get each other's attention definitely didn't help it. Then there were people drunkenly singing along the songs, not even knowing half of the words and sounding horrible, in his opinion at least.

Then a lot of people. Basically, the whole Gryffindor house, well, the older students at least, but enough people to crowd the common room completely. Some were dancing, some were sitting on sofas, tables or on the floor chatting with each other, and some just wandering around the room.

It was all just too much, and Remus wasn't even sure why. It wasn't like he wasn't used to it all, he at least should be by now. At the start of the evening it had been fun, and he was talking with people and just having fun, like at every Gryffindor party. But as the evening turned into night, he found himself being quiet, and whenever he did speak to someone, he could tell or was told that he was being annoyed or grumpy, even though he wasn't.

But when he said that he wasn't, whoever it was just laughed and walked off. Remus wasn't sure if overwhelmed was the right word, maybe it was. Although he couldn't be sure. But if it was, that was possibly what he was feeling. He just wanted to be alone in silence, or maybe not alone, but at least in a quiet place.

He had lost Sirius at some point, he was moving around a lot, and he couldn't possibly keep track of where his boyfriend was all the time. He saw glimpses of him every now and then, and he did stop by the armchair he was sitting in, Lily sitting on the sofa next to him. Sirius had said hi to them or asked something a few times, before going to find James, again.

He pulled on his hair, trying to ignore the noises that he could still hear coming from the common room, as it really wasn't that far away. He heard the portrait creak open, and quiet footsteps walking over to him as the door closed.

He looked up just as Sirius sat down next to him on the floor, he dropped his hand from his hair, knowing it made Sirius worry, and he really didn’t want that. “Everything alright, moony?” He asked, looking at Remus, who nodded, laying his head down on his knees, in a way he could still see him. “Don't have to lie to me if you're not alright, y'know. But you don't have to tell me either if you don't want to.” He said, offering his hand for Remus to take, who did, after a moment of hesitation, he interlocked their fingers together, letting their hands fall between them.

Sirius could tell something was wrong, he had noticed it as the night went on, and Remus slipping away from the party made him worry. Remus had been chatty and laughing earlier, but now he just seemed anxious and tired, not to mention, quiet. Even more quiet than he usually was.

“I just wanted to come check on you, made me worry a bit. But if you want to be alone, I can go.”

“Don't, please.” Remus whispered, looking at him for the first time in the eyes, before dropping his gaze back on to the floor. “Sorry.”

“Shush, don't be sorry. I'm okay staying with you, whatever you want.” He smiled, but Remus looked like he didn't believe what he said. “I mean it, love. I'm way better over here with you than in there. I don't mind one bit.” Remus nodded. “Do you wanna tell me why we're out here in the corridor?”

“I um just-” he whispered, stopping himself as he tried to think of a coherent sentence or an explanation. “Overwhelmed.” He finally said, glancing at Sirius. “And anxious.”

“Poor baby. There's a lot going on, right?” Remus nodded again. “But that's okay. And you're okay, moons.”

Remus shifted so he was resting his head on Sirius' shoulder, who wrapped his arm around the boy, gently rubbing his side. “I don't want to talk.” Remus whispered after a while. “At all.” He added, wanting to make sure Sirius got what he meant. He was just tired, and talking and being social seemed to take a lot of his little energy.

“Don't have to, baby.” He said, kissing his head, as Remus shifted again, this time testing his head more on Sirius' chest than shoulder. “I'll do the talking, or we can just be quiet. But you don't have to talk, you can just nod or shake your head if you want.”

Remus nodded, pressing himself closer to Sirius, breathing in the calming scent, calming down his anxiety just by a bit. “Do you wanna go up to our dorm, we could cuddle and just be the two of us.”

Remus shook his head. “It's a bit overwhelming, isn't it?” He asked, and Remus nodded. “That's okay, moons. It's all okay. We don't have to get up, not until you're ready.”


Sirius smiled slightly, kissing his head, before continuing to rub his side, trying to calm him down even more. It took some time until Remus felt even slightly like they could maybe go back. He lifted his head, looking at Sirius, who smiled, running his hand through Remus' hair.

“Feeling a bit better?” He asked, and Remus nodded. “Think we can go back and up to our dorm?”


“Okay.” Sirius smiled, leaning to kiss his forehead. “We can wait too if you'd like, I don't mind, moons.” He reminded, but Remus shook his head. “Alright let's go up to bed then.” He got up from the floor, taking both of Remus' hands into his and pulling him up from the floor.

He held on to both of Remus’ hands as they walked up to their dorm, it was still really loud, but it wasn’t that bad now that he was with Sirius, now that he had something to hold on to, something he knew wouldn’t go away. Sirius smiled at him as they walked up the stairs, trying not to trip as he was walking up backwards, so he could keep holding Remus’ hands. He only let go to open the door and closed it behind them when they got in.

Hope you liked this short little fic, I usually don't post things this short,  hope you liked it anyway

Alright so, I don't really use this app anymore, and won't be posting fics into this book in the future. If you want to read my stuff, (for some weird reason) I have tumbler and ao3 where I post all these things.

Tumblr: my-moony-and-padfoot
Ao3: getaloadofthistrainwreck


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