i can't hate you

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Flash backs in italics
Warnings? Fighting, i guess thats all

Sirius was sitting alone in their dorm, Remus was in the hospital wing, James and Peter were visiting him. Sirius wasn't allowed. Remus didn't want him there. Sirius knew that Remus hated him.

He wasn't thinking, he never was. This time he really wished he would've had. He sat in his bed, which hasn't been used in many months because they always slept in remus' bed.

Sirius had been crying since last morning when the full moon ended and was yelled at by Remus before he went out and was helped to the hospital wing.

Soon the dorm room opened and James slipped in, peter following right after. “His getting out today.” James said.

“B-but normally madam Pomfrey doesn't discharge him until two days after his been there, even if it wasn't a rough full moon.” Sirius rambled.

James sat next to the boy on his bed and put an arm around him. “I know, pads, but she said Remus is doing really good, and she has no reason to keep him there.”


“I don't think he hates you.” Peter said, standing In front of Sirius.

“He hates me, he has no reason not to hate me. I-i ruined everything, he hates me, and he won't ever talk to me, ever, and I can't bear the thought of Remus not talking to me.”

“I know.” James said.

“I-i'm gonna go, he doesn't wanna see me, so I'll just get out of the way.” Sirius said, getting up, grabbing his leather jacket from a chair and getting out of the door.

Wiping his eyes as he walked out of the common room, where some first years looked at him. He didn't care. He had ruined everything.

He was just walking down the marble staircase as he saw Remus at the end, apparently he had just been discharged from the hospital wing and was heading to their dorm.

“Remus.” Sirius whispered as he was just about to walk past him. “I'm sorry, rem, I'm sorry I didn't mean it.”

“Yes you did.”

Tears started to collect in his eyes at remus' words. “I promise I didn't mean it, rem love, you have to believe me.”

“Just go.” Remus said, walking past him and up the stairs. Sirius sat down at the end, well, more fell down. There was nothing but coldness in Remus' words.

After a while, he got up and walked outside and just wandered around the castle grounds, he Soon found his way to the black lake and sat on the ground resting his back to the tree, they so often sat, he and Remus and all the marauders together.

Remus was leaning against a tree, it was a beautiful day, and he was just enjoying the sun, with his book. It was a new one. Sirius gave him it for his birthday. But right now, it was one of his favourites.

Sirius was walking back and forth in front of Remus, a little further away near the lake. Remus couldn't help but watch as Sirius walked, but every time the boy looked in his way, Remus pretended to turn a page and secretly smiled at himself.

After a while of this Sirius walked up to Remus and sat In front of him, cross-legged and just looked at the boy, who in Sirius' opinion was pretty. Sirius was hesitant of what he was about to say because he knew Remus wouldn't think the same, and he was just imagining and hopeless.

“Moony.” Sirius whispered, looking at the ground.

“What?” He sighed, setting the book down to his lap and looking at Sirius. Damn, he was pretty. He thought, smiling at the thought.

Wolfstar OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora