miss you

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--the ending kind of sucks--

Remus was busy with work, he was locked up I'm his office almost all day, only coming out to eat and sleep. He didn't have much time to spend with Sirius, which each of them hated. They both missed each other.

The only time they really got to spend time with each other was when they both went to bed, but some nights Sirius was already asleep when Remus came to bed.

Remus was stressed, but luckily, he was almost done with all his work and he'd finally get his much-needed time with Sirius and just relax.

They had been fighting a lot lately, which both of them hated. Usually it started from something Sirius did or didn't do, like making too much noise or if he didn't do anything like tidy up the house. Or it started with the talk of how they have so little time together. Sirius just missed him, even though they were in the same house most of the time.

Like Every morning in the past couple weeks, Remus woke up before Sirius, started his work and when Sirius woke up a couple of hours later to the empty and cold bed, he knew the day would be the same as yesterday. He didn't want to get up, but eventually, he managed, pulling on a hoodie and sweatpants and a pair of fuzzy socks because he got cold easily.

He walked past remus' office and thought about going in, but he decided against it, going to the bathroom then to the kitchen instead. He and Remus had had a little argument last night, nothing serious. But they didn't really talk through it. The constant fighting just upset him.

He wanted to make tea, and thought if Remus would want some too, but he was scared that Remus would get mad at him for bothering and distracting him, but at the same time he wanted to be nice and make it easy for Remus and do something for him.

After a while of thinking he decided to walk over to his little home office and knocking gently on the door, opening it at the same time.

"I um- thought if you'd want some tea or coffee." He asked, looking at Remus and playing with the hem of his hoodie.

Remus turned his head to Sirius' direction as he heard the quiet knock, and he was actually a little surprised to see Sirius, firstly out of bed and coming to talk to him because Sirius knew not to disturb him. Remus couldn't focus on his work if Sirius was in the room, even if he was quiet and writing in his journal or something, they had tried, but he was just always distracted when Sirius was in the same room.

"No, I'm good, thank you." Remus said, already focusing back on his work, he would've loved to speak with Sirius, but knew that the quicker he gets his work done, they'd have the rest of the day together.

"Oh okay." He said. "Sorry." He whispered, -not that Remus heard-, before closing the door. He didn't go back to the kitchen, not wanting that cup of tea any more. Instead, he went to their small living room, quickly looking around for his journal. He didn't see it anywhere, he looked closer, and it wasn't on the coffee table, couch or in any cabinet, he looked through their whole house, checking under everything and from on top and in between everything.

He looked from places where he knew it wouldn't be, and from where he had never even used it. He decided to check everything again, if he just missed it, somehow. Although that was unlikely. Small tears escaped from his eyes as he tried to search for it, but he quickly wiped them away.

When he didn't find it he started to get anxious and frustrated, it just simply couldn't be lost. He can't lose it. He started to panic as he walked down back to their living room. Sitting down on the couch, curling up into a ball in the corner and pulling a soft blanket over him.

He had his knees pulled up to his chest and hands around them. Tears slowly started to collect in his eyes, as he thought about the lost journal. He wanted to call for Remus because he really needed him, right now. But he didn't want to bother him and make him angry with him. Tears fell down from his eyes, down his cheeks, as his breathing started to get heavier and heavier.

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