I promise.

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The idea for this fic was from Singularity_vi <33

TW!! Eating disorder, depression, throwing up, just sad things

Modern and non magical au :)

He woke up, into an empty bed, like most mornings. But still every time it was just as sad. It was always cold there without Remus. He pulled one of Remus' pillows close to him, trying to fall back to sleep, so he could simply sleep the day away. But he couldn't. The slight sunlight coming through the window was starting to bother him. And he never slept well without Remus there anyway. So, he rolled into his back, grabbing his phone from the nightstand, seeing that it was already one pm.

There were no notifications, nothing out of the ordinary. Still, he opened it, scrolling through his socials and reading the headlines of the news, but nothing was interesting enough to actually open and read. He knew he had to get up, before Remus came home, and actually look like he had been doing something else than laying in bed.

So, he sat up, a dizzy spell hitting him, but he was already used to that. He opened the low bun, only to tie it up again, this time with a hair clip. He got up, pulling one of the hoodies on that was laying on the floor next to him, it was a light green one, the same one he had yesterday and the day before that.

Remus would be home in a few hours, and before he'd come home, he knew he had to eat. Because Remus had made him lunch, like every single day that he wasn't home at lunchtime. It was easier on the days that he actually ate it. But today wouldn't be one of those days. Even the thought of eating made him feel sick. But lucky for him, it only needed to look like he had eaten. Because he knew Remus would check. He hated that Remus had to do that, hating being a burden on him.

So, he made his way to the kitchen, taking out the plastic container that had leftover pasta from last night, now meant to be his lunch. He put about half of it onto a plate, putting it in the microwave to heat it up. While it heated up, he put the rest back into the fridge and filled his water bottle.

He felt tired as he made his way to the living room, turning on some random show, more for background noise than for actually watching. He slowly got through his meal, when he was finally finished, it had already gone cold. He felt really sick.

With his water bottle clutched tightly in his right hand, he made his way to the bathroom. He slid down the wall to sit on the cold tile floor in front of the toilet. The water bottle dropped to the floor and fell down as he leaned forward, he shoved two fingers down his throat, and soon he was loosing why he had just eaten.

A few tears fell down as he threw up, and his hands started shaking as he opened his water bottle to wash out the taste. He had gotten quite used to the feeling now, he still hated throwing up, but it was much better than having it in his body to make him gain weight. That was definitely the last thing he needed. He leaned his head against the wall, a few tears escaping as he closed his eyes. These ones were not caused by what he had just done, it was something else.

If Remus would find out, he'd be so disappointed and have even more reasons to leave him. Why wouldn't he? He had every reason to. Who would want to be together with someone like him. Someone who got tired from just getting up from bed, someone who had stupid eating problems, someone who was embarrassing and someone who was so-

He was pulled out of his thoughts by a gentle knock on the door. How long he had sat there, how hadn't he noticed? This was bad, so bad. “Can I come in, baby?” He whispered, loud enough for Sirius to hear through the door. He nodded, but then realized that Remus couldn't see him.


The door opened after a moment and Remus slipped in, sitting down on the floor beside him. Sirius played with the water bottle that he was holding, not daring to look at him, he blushed from embarrassment as he watched Remus lean forward and flush the toilet, closing the lid at the same time.

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