Y/n: So I should ask the-

Kazuha: Ask us all together. If you ask them seperately they might not understand. You can be horrible at explaining things when you are nervous.

Y/n: Yeah...

Kazuha: Its already a yes from me.

Y/n: A yes?

Kazuha: When you ask us to go out with you.

Y/n: O-Oh...

Date: 11/02/24

Hanni: So Y/n...w-why did you want to meet with me?

Y/n: I-I have a wierd question to ask...

Hanni: Yeah?

Y/n: I-If your crush wanted to date you...but you had to share them with...seven others...would you sti-

Hanni: Yep.

Y/n: Really?

Hanni: Mhm.

Y/n: Thank you...I'll let you get back to practice now.

I watched as she ran back into her practise room and I turned around and started walking towards my own.

Kazuha: At the very least its two out of eight.

Y/n: You were listening?

Kazuha: Well duh?

Y/n: Wierdo just hiding around a corner.

Kazuha: Better me than anyone else. Now come here I got a secret to tell you~

Y/n: A secret?

I stepped closer to her but then she suddenly grabbed my shirt and pulled me straight to her. As she did she kissed me and moved her arms around the back of my neck. It was loving...so loving...when we finally split Kazuha looked at me with a bright smile.

Kazuha: I love doing that.

Y/n: You already have a morning kiss daily.

Kazuha: Your point?

Y/n: Whatever lets go.

Kazuha: Not before you call Yuqi.

Y/n: Now?

Kazuha: Well yeah. You might as well get both their answers.

Y/n: Alright...

I called Yuqi right there with Zuha next to me. After a few seconds Yuqi answerd the call.

Yuqi: Y/n~! How are you?

Y/n: I'm good...well. Actually I'm kinda stressed...

Yuqi: Eh!? Why what's wrong?

Y/n: W-Would you be comfortable if you shared me with...seven other girls?

Yuqi: Seven? Wait...there are only six in LeSserafim. Who is the seventh? Are you dating your manager you dirty boy~

Y/n: N-No! Not my manager...Hanni...

Yuqi: New Jeans Hanni?

Y/n: Yeah...

Yuqi: Hmm~ I didn't take you as someone that liked- I was gonna say threesomes but with this many girls its just a orgy baby.

Y/n: Y-Yah...wait baby?

Yuqi: Yep. Baby.

Y/n: So that's a yes?

Yuqi: Of course its a yes!

Kazuha: Three of eight.

Yuqi: Who was that?

Instead of letting me answer Zuha took the phone from me and talked to Yuqi for a little while before letting me talk again.

Yuqi: So you only have three of us confirmed to want to date you? Or being ok with dating you as well as the others?

Y/n: Yeah...

Yuqi: Well hurry up and ask the others we can have a massive sleepover or dinner dates. Girls nights! Oh my god the possibilities!

Kazuha: Yuqi unnie~

Yuqi: Yeah Zuzu~

When did they get so friendly? They spoke for like four minutes...

Kazuha: Wouldn't it be great if me and you~ hehehehe.

Yuqi: Oh~ yeah I get you~

Get what? I am so lost. What are they discussing?

Yuqi: Zuzu before we do anything like that Y/n needs to ask the other girls out!

Y/n: I-I will. I was thinking off getting you all together...

Zuha: Unnie when are you free?

Yuqi: Early next week. Like Monday or Tuesday.

Zuha: Come to our dorm!

Y/n: What if Hanni isn't free?

Zuha: Oh don't worry. She will be.

Y/n: Stop scheiming pabo.

Yuqi: Baby don't call our Zuzu a pabo! She's actually trying to help you set us all up!

Y/n: Y-Yeah sorry Yuqi...

Yuqi: Sorry what!?

Y/n: Sorry baby.

Yuqi: Better.

I feel like this could be a big mistake...a good one but this will definetly be hectic.

The HYBE boy in a girl group? Le Sserafim X Male readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora