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"No... Freen! No..."

Her Phone ringing. I didn't notice my phone ringing due to my overwhelming concern for Freen. All I knew was that I want to take her to the hospital.

"Freen, please! Stay awake for me."

My phone rang again, diverting my attention to it.

"It's, Richie?"

I glanced at the phone beside me and had no choice but to answer.


SHe swore, frustrated and scared.

"H-hello, Richie?"

SHe nervously answered the phone.

"Where are you and Freen? Do you realize you shouldn't have taken her everywhere? You know Freen is sick."

My twin brother shouted angrily from the other line. It was the first time I heard him get angry like that.

"Becky!! Where's Freen?"

I couldn't speak. All I could think about was taking Freen to the hospital.

"Becky!! Where's Freen? Answer my question."

My brother shouted at me again.

"I'm sorry, Richie," I said.

I put down my phone and accelerated the car even faster.

Freen, hold on tight. We're almost at the hospital.


"Help me, please!" Becky shouted in panic.

A nurse quickly approached her.

"What happened?"

Becky nervously ran her hands through her hair while facing the nurse.

"Ah, she... She needs help. Please?"

"Ma'am, what happened to her? Just calm down so we can figure out what needs to be done."

"SHe had a seizure, she has a heart condition... I don't know. Please help her, please," she pleaded with the nurse.

"Okay, ma'am. We'll take care of her."

Freen was immediately taken to the emergency room while Becky couldn't stay still outside, pacing back and forth.

Finally, she made the decision to inform Richie about what had happened.

"Hello, richie?"

"For God's sake, Becky! Where are you and Freen? Can you please come home? Freeya and her family are already worried."

He immediately confronted her. Becky took a deep breath before responding.

"We're at Asian Hospital, Richie."

Richie didn't immediately speak on the other line upon hearing that Becky and Freen were at the hospital.

"What are you and Freen doing in the hospital? D-did something happen to her?"

"Richie! Freen had a heart attack from the men who attacked us earlier."

"W-What!! Becky, what have you done?"

"I'm sorry, Richie. I didn't mean for this to happen."

Becky spoke sadly to her twin.

"Wait for us we're on our way."

I hung up the phone and checked on Freen in the Emergency Room.

I shouldn't have agreed to what she wanted; this wouldn't have happened to her.

" FORGET ME NOT  "  *STARRING : (BECKFREEN )Where stories live. Discover now