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As the daylight cracked through the windows of their room, Jungkook was engulfed with the cosiness of his sheet, but his body felt a bit cold, like missing the body heat of his girlfriend.

Frowning with the eyes still closed, his hands searched for her, but a panic arised through him when he found the space near him empty and cold.

Alarmed he marched downwards to find his girl but the terror in his mind settled when he saw her in his kitchen, in his shirt, dancing on slow beats of music that played into the background.

A smile settled on his face as he saw her trying to make sweet delicacies, all her hair and kitchen wrapped in flour. Sneaking up on her, he tried not to make any noise as he enjoyed the view of her swaying hips on soft tunes.

A gasp left her lips as his two strong and veiny arms circled her waist, his face hiding into the crook of her neck to inhale her vanilla body mist.

"You need to stop scaring me like that." She whispered breathlessly.

He smiled against her skin and turned her in his arms to face him. Smiling, he turned her into his arms, blessing his eyes with her gorgeous face. "What are we making early in the morning?"

He tried to look over her shoulder to get a view of what she had been so busy cooking, but she blocked his view, her eyes flashing a warning sign. "That's a surprise so do not peek."

"Well then I am scared for my taste buds." He teased her on purpose.

Her mouth opened slightly in shock but the teasing glint in his eyes gave her the message that he was just trying to get on her nerves. "We will see what you say when you eat it."

"Yeah, we will." Brushing off the flour on her cheek and hair, he looked deep into her eyes and then her lips and bent down to capture her lips only to be stopped by her.

"What?" He whispered frustrated.

"You just woke up and you haven't brushed. So no kissing until you're fresh."

He groaned feeling irritated, but gave into her words. "Ugh, fine."

She giggled at his adamant behaviour, continuing her work later as she saw Jungkook marching towards his room at the speed of light. While she continued whisking the cream, she felt proud how the batter had turned. She wasn't a good cook, she knew that but she loved baking and preparing something special for her boyfriend excited and made her nervous at the same time.

Boyfriend..the word was so foreign and beautiful at the same time. They are a couple now. Term happy was too minimalist to define what she was feeling. It was ecstatic , surreal and really beautiful. Like they were living their own fairytale in real life.

While she was busy in her thoughts, the smell of his aftershave hit her senses as Jungkook paddled down the stairs with wet hair and naked torso. His black sweatpants settled low on his hips and water drizzled through the sharp planes of his abs making her clench her legs. And damn what an absolute view she had been blessed with.

Smirking, Jungkook pulled her in his embrace, pressing his body into hers.

"Did you have a good sleep?" She asked in a whisper, all while looking at his lips.

The tips of his lips jerked upwards, "I always do when I am with you."

Pushing her forwards to step on his feet, he changed the music into a sweet, romantic melody. Her arms looped around his neck, while he circled her waist possessively. There was absolutely no space between them. Serenading on the soft number they waltzed in the cosy atmosphere.

"I always dreamt of dancing like this..just you and me in our own space."

"All your dreams are mine to make true, Cupcake."

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