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A week passed by since the announcement of the appointment of new CEOs

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

A week passed by since the announcement of the appointment of new CEOs. Jeonghan had seemed to got used to the different schedules.

It was definitely more packed than before, but, it was all just sit in the office or a meeting. Because the buildings between Carat Group and Carat Estates were separate, he saw his father and older sister less.

"I'm off work now, see you tomorrow!" His manager bid his goodbye, waving off as he left the other way.

"Bye." The Yoon smiled, loosening his tie before heading to the elevator.

Only a few lights were left on, leaving the top office semi-dark and empty. He entered the elevator by himself, exiting the building until he reached his car.

The male drover by himself, through the nights of Seoul and the busy streets with bright, colorful lights.

He parked into the garage of their family home, strolling to the front door. But, as he made his way inside, he was greeted with a familiar family sitting across his own family at the dinner table.

However, it was not Minji's family. Instead, it was Soojin's family.

"Hey, son. Come eat, dinner's ready." His father called out in an anticipating tone. Although Jeonghan felt slightly suspicious, he shrugged the thought off and complied with his father's suggestion.

Soojin smiled at him and he sent one back but he was too tired to continue looking at her.

The dinner was already fully set, Jeonghan took a seat next to his older sister and sensed the quiet atmosphere that filled the dining table. Slowly picking up his utensils, his father spoke out.

"Jeonghan-ah. We thought that, since you became CEO of a company... It'd be great to get married and have children." He began.

The Yoon could already think of any possible outcomes or requests that his father was going to make, eyes stuck onto the plate where his food sat.

"And, of course, you've been really close to Soojin. Like, you guys grew up together and practically know everything about each other. Wouldn't that be great to have a relationship like that with your wife?"

Jeonghan sighed, making every pair of eyes on the table turn to him.

"Dad, I'm not getting married to Soojin." He attempted to express in the calmest tone ever. Along with this statement, Junghwa internally agreed.

The heart of the Jang sunk at that moment, her eyes widening to an innocent look as she placed her chopsticks down.

"Sweetie, why not? She's a great woman and she's perfect for you." His mother insisted in a cogent tone, in hopes of convincing her son.

"Mom, she's my best friend. I don't want to get married to my best friend. It should stay like that. I'd rather get married to someone I actually see as my wife, not anything like a forced marriage or whatever." The younger Yoon uttered, tightening his grip on his chopsticks. Do we really have to do this in front of them?

"Jeonghan-ah." His father called out, followed by a deep sigh. "When are you ever going to find someone that you actually see as your wife? You're nearly 26 and you haven't even been in a relationship that lasted longer than a month."

The mentioned male stayed silent, feeling pressured and suddenly overwhelmed. There is someone I see as my wife, but she hates me.

"I know, it's hard to accept a forced marriage. But, guess what? That's how your mother and I met. Look at us now, this could be you and Soojin." He continued on.

"Were you and mom best friends? No, you guys were complete strangers and probably had a chance to fall in love at first sight. Do we really have to do this in front of them?"

"Please, sweetie. It would be so great for both you and the company. I promise you, Soojin would make a great wife like she is a great best friend." His mother persuaded but Jeonghan didn't want to fall into her manipulation, no matter how kind they were.

"Jeonghan. Do this for us? For your family? For my daughter? And, for yourself." Soojin's mother added.

The Yoon inhaled, glancing over to his sister who did not seem very pleased. Junghwa stood up from the table, "I'll be going now. Thank you for visiting." She left to her bedroom as Soojin glared at her.

"I'm taking your silence as a 'yes'." His father concluded, Jeonghan wanted to fight back but something in his mouth didn't let him speak. "The wedding has already been planned. You have nothing to worry about."

So, they planned this the whole time? And just told me?

I'm sorry how it's VERY cliche but I hope you understand that that's whats needed for the book to go on :)))

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I'm sorry how it's VERY cliche but I hope you understand that that's whats needed for the book to go on :)))

𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲. jeonghanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें