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"Table for two, please

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"Table for two, please." The female smiled at the waiter, who guided them to a 2-seater on the side of the restaurant.

In the centre of the table, was a aluminium, instant pot. The waiter handed them a foldable menu, before leaving off to help assist other customers.

"What soup do you want?" Soojin asked the male in front of her. She was dressed in a slim, grey dress with short sleeves that outlined her figure. She topped it off with a beige cardigan and allowed her black hair to fall over her shoulders.

"Hm. You can choose." Jeonghan insisted, rolling up the sleeves of his silk, black button-up as he scanned through the menu.

After calling the waiter over, the Jang ordered their foods along with the side dishes for their hot pot. While waiting, they continued to converse about their day and other upcoming plans.

"My dad asked about my love life. I told him I didn't even have a boy friend." Soojin brought up, her pearly-whites peeking through while smiling as she spoke. "He told me to find a man like you." She laughed.

"Your dad has good taste." The Yoon chuckled as well.

"Why would I find a man like you when you're right here?" She rhetorically asked, the question lingering in the stuffy air of the restaurant.

"Soojin. You know I won't date you. You're my best friend."

"I know. I'm just joking." The Jang laughed aloud as the server came out with their pot of tomato soup.

Unnoticeably, another pair of two sat onto the table behind them, both of them dressed in formal and proper attire, seeming as if they just returned from a long day of work.

"Isn't that the girl from the party?" Soojin suddenly questioned but Jeonghan shrugged it off, not really caring about anything that occurred at that event, feeding himself a piece of cooked meat.

He continued to eat until he heard a voice, a similar voice from right behind.

"I feel like I can't go anywhere without thinking about school or work. Like this menu reminds me of a document I completed yesterday." The female joked, making the other laugh in agreement.

Jeonghan turned his body around, his eyes meeting the recognisable head of Minji's. Slightly peeking behind her head, he sees another male, someone who he finds extremely familiar. However, at that moment, he didn't know if he wanted to greet him or ignore their presence.

"Isn't that your friend?" The Jang asked once again but Jeonghan couldn't hear him.

"Oh, Jeonghan!" Wonwoo greeted, making Minji turn around and instantly make direct eye contact with the mentioned male. Behind him was someone she remembered from the party, but forgot her name.

"Hey, Wonwoo." The Yoon beamed, heading over to dab up his friend.

"Oh, hey Soojin." The Jeon waved as well, his lips upturned into a faint smile that attracted Minji who observed him from the side. "What a coincidence we're eating at the same restaurant."

"I know right! Why don't we eat together?" The Jang suggested and the other female was quite interested in getting closer to her but she didn't want to even breathe the same air as Jeonghan who stood beside his friend.

"Don't worry, it's fine. Plus, we already have all our food set out here." Wonwoo declined, a polite smile plastered on his lips as he looked up at the standing female.

"It's okay! We can always eat out next time. With the rest of your friends as well."

The Jeon nodded and the other two separated back to their tables, creating an awkward atmosphere from Minji's perspectives. She doesn't know if she was being left out or she should be grateful that she didn't needed to speak.

Wonwoo took a quick bathroom break, the Choi pulling out her phone from her pocket to avoid appearing like a stupid loner.

Mr. Annoying ass

Mr. Annoying ass
What r u doing with my friend

What r u doing texting me

Mr. Annoying ass
Cause u look like a loner 😝
Answer my questionnnnn

My dad asked me to train him at the company
So we decided to have dinner together afterwards

Mr. Annoying ass

That's the pretty girl from the party right?

Mr. Annoying ass
She has a name
It's not just 'pretty girl'

I mean she is pretty
And I forgot her name

Mr. Annoying ass
Jang Soojin
Ur memory sucks

I know

Mr. Annoying ass
Is he hot


Mr. Annoying ass
My friend

I mean

Mr. Annoying ass
Would u date him

I just met him so no
But he deserves a good chance

Mr. Annoying ass
I doubt he wanna date u though 🥱
No one wants ur ass

Guess what
I don't care!!!!

Mr. Annoying ass
What's so good about him
He's too good for u

Literally shut up
He's the same age as me
He knows when to be serious and then playful
He's respectful
He looks so good with glasses

Mr. Annoying ass
Ok stoppp
When were u born??


Mr. Annoying ass
Bro thats literally impossible

Cmon u boring ass

Mr. Annoying ass
If I get it u have to
Stop annoying me

I think you're the one annoying me but whatever
I hope u don't get it 🤞

Mr. Annoying ass
Seen 17:02

But no 🤗
27th 1998
What about u

Mr. Annoying ass
Oct 4th 1997
Hey our bdays are close

I don't careeeeee
Seen 17:03

Yes I changed everyone in svts age

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Yes I changed everyone in svts age

𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲. jeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now