Stage in Playful Land Part 11

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It would be Playful Land's final show. A temporary truce between the managers of the park and us students of Night Raven College.

There was no opposition from any of the guys or myself.

With the puppet-turning spell lifted from the entire park, we could allow our magic to run loose without the consequences hanging over our heads. Though, it seemed the boys had a little too much fun with wrecking the park. The ground cracked and broke in various places. Buildings began to collapse and lights flickered. Water began to steadily flood the streets. Grim crawled up onto my shoulder.

"Since this is a ship, I imagine for there to be lifeboats," Trey concluded. "Large establishments always have emergency procedures in place, don't they?"

Fellow replied, "Do you really think Playful Land takes customer safety into consideration?"

"Then how are you so calm about this?!" Ace exclaimed.

"Because you all are here. Surely one of you must have a solution."

"I can't think of any magic that would move such a large ship," Jack scratched the back of his head in thought.

Kalim then suggested, "Why don't we swim?"
"Absolutely not," Vil rejected. "To be able to swim safely to land, it only favors Jade and Floyd."

The guys broke into discourse on the best solution. The whole place was going to sink before they reached an agreement.

A lump formed in my throat when my ankles had already been submerged.

"Cassie, I have an idea!" Ortho said in excitement. "I'm going to need your help though."

Ortho led the way towards the park's entrance, which remained dry. He explained his idea to me. Something simple.I nodded and immediately got to work.

On the water, I grew a giant lily pad and molded it in the shape of a boat. While everyone got on board, Ortho calculated our coordinates and planned a route for us to get back home. Using his propellers, he pushed us out. I added an additional barrier of protection to help keep us warm from the frigid air.

"We'll be home in no time at this rate," Lilia leaned against the side.

We glanced back as all the lights of Playful Land went out.


The sky had not yet fully transitioned to morning by the time docked at Crane Port. A couple of shops were already starting their operations for the day. Ortho parked the boat in the same spot where this whole adventure began.

While the rest of the guys were getting out, I rested my forehead on one of the light poles and tried my best to not fall asleep on the spot.

I wanted to get back to my dorm. I wanted food. I wanted a big cup of coffee. And we had the previous day to make up for at school.

"Your boss is gonna be really mad, you know that?" Floyd addressed Fellow. "If my place was destroyed, I'd be furious."

"I wanted to quit my job, so I destroyed my workplace. Kinda hard to imagine such an explanation being accepted," Cater thought.

Vil concluded, "There will be people after you. How are you going to get by?"
Fellow consoled us, "I've gone through this sort of thing before. I know what mistakes to avoid making so I won't get caught."

"I know! Why not come to Night Raven College?" Kalim proposed. "There's a nice place for you to stay, good food to eat, and amazing friends to be around!"

"I appreciate the offer, but I'll have to decline. Seeing the kinds of students you all are....I can't imagine being around hundreds of others. I'm not interested in attending such an institution anyway."

"What will you do then?" Jade asked. "I'm failing to consider alternative options."

"I think....I will create my own school. A place where someone who can't use magic, like Gidel, or is an incapable wizard, like myself, can enroll."

Gidel tightly hugged Fellow.

"That's a wonderful goal to have. But you know the road may not be kind to you," Lilia cautioned.

"I'm aware I'll have to suffer, but we'll figure it out together," Fellow hugged his companion close to him, "We always do."

Ace folded his arms over his chest, "Don't try to wrap it all up with a nice story! I still haven't forgiven you yet."

"You messed with the wrong familiar, mister!" Grim marched in Fellow's direction, only for him to stumble over his own feet and fall face first.

"Well, it's been an honor getting acquainted with you all," Fellow removed his hat and took a bow. Gidel did the same. "Some day if we are so lucky, may we meet again on this shining stage called life."

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