Brave Enough Finale

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The Imperial Guards positioned themselves to attack the bear. The Queen placed a protective spell around her people and Malleus pulled me closer to him. The bear stood on its two hind legs and let out a roar. The people backed away and huddled closer to each other. I was about to cast my magic onto it when I sensed the rapid beating of hooves drawing closer. The crowd parted to clear a path for Margaret, Celeste, and Karina.

With a tapestry draping her shoulders, the Lady of the Arto clan shielded me, "Dad, stop! That's enough!"

The bear bared its teeth and growled in response.

"I know you're in there!" she gritted, tears starting to well in her eyes.

Someone else approached the bear from behind with their sword in hand. I was about to shout a warning, but Maggie caught sight of her opponent. She rushed towards him.

Before he could react, Margaret kicked the sword out of Evandor's grasp and pointed the tip at him, "Stay away from my father, you brute!"

"Have you lost your mind?! That's a wild beast!" he attempted to walk carefully towards her, but only to take a step back each time Margaret got closer to him "We have to get rid of it! We can do it together!"

"Absolutely not! The only person I'm going to be getting rid of is you!"

Evandor unsheathed another sword he kept strapped to his back, "We're gonna have to do this the hard way, then."

The metal of their swords clashed. I heard stories of Margaret's expertise with the bow and arrow, but never witnessed her talent with the sword. Evandor had power in his blows, but Margaret was light on her feet, dodging each of his attacks with ease. Focused on their duel, the two of them completely disregarded the black bear walking closer towards them.

Malleus and I looked to each other before heading our own directions. He commanded the Imperial Guard soldiers to stand down and ensured to keep the bear contained. I made my way to where Margaret and Evandor stood.

"I was gonna win the Games this year!" Evandor blocked one of Maggie's attacks. "The two of us could be married! It's our fate!"

"No! I will be the only one who decides my fate!"

Evandor pushed Margaret out of the way, knocking her to the ground.

He began to march in the bear's direction, but I blocked his path. "Your ladyship, you should move."

"Absolutely not."

Evandor looked to Malleus for help, "Your Highness-"

The Crown Prince coldly replied, "You do not command my lady, Lamont."

"You're not going to arm Lady Margaret or her faither either," I helped the Lady of the Arto clan off the ground. I allowed my magic to course through me. "Unless you wish to test me, champion."

"Or us," Celeste and Karina stood in each one of my sides.

"Or me," Grim crossed his arms and positioned himself in front of me.

However, there was a larger matter at hand.

At the sight of the quickly lowering sun, Margaret rushed to the bear and draped the tapestry over him like a blanket. Her hands fiddled with her silver locket and watched, preparing herself to be reunited with her father.

I expected to sense some sort of incredible magic. To witness a transformation. The only thing I saw was the sun completely hiding itself behind the mountains.

" wasn't supposed to be like this..." Maggie got on her knees in front of the bear, "I'm sorry...This is all my fault. I did this to you. To us."

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