The Solar Flare Part 2

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"I can't go on my online gaming quests?" Lilia pouted. Though I noticed a hint of relief in Silver's expression.

Grim rolled his eyes. "Now I'd hate to see what Ignihyde is going through."

Unlike those in Heartslabyul, Silver, Sebek, Lilia, and Malleus were already aware of the effects of a solar flare on a wizard's magic. I was not surprised by their familiarity with the topic, given that witches and fairies are basically best friends in the Valley. With their harmonious relationship, there was an exchange of knowledge throughout the generations. However, that didn't mean the rest of the students in Diasomnia knew about it.

A group of freshmen were practicing their transfiguration magic outside and one of their spells ricocheted off their target and hit the thorny vines surrounding the dorm. The attempts from the students to tame the plant only accelerated its growth. From the dorm's exterior, it appeared to be some diabolical monster of nature.

Once the brambles returned to their resting place with my magic's intervention, I could take in all the damage done. The walls were scratched in various places no one could reach without a flying broom. All the furniture were thrashed beyond repair and were all over the place.

"This is not a reflection of my competency as a guard, my lady! I swear to you!" Sebek panicked. "I would never make such a foolish mistake in yours or the Young Lord's presence!"

I consoled him, "It's no one's fault for what happened. We got lucky no one was seriously injured."

Cuts and scratches were numerous in quantity among the residents. And after I ran out of bandage rolls and band-aids, I resorted to using healing magic. It sped up the body's own recovery process at the expense of the energy of the one injured, which is why everyone felt sleepy after I finished. On my end, the magic had not taken its toll on me at all. I just had to maintain my focus on what exactly needed repairing. And since the cuts were relatively superficial, it was process that only lasted a few seconds per person.

Unfortunately, I had not yet mastered fixing furniture. That would be something Diasomnia would need to handle on their own after the solar flare ended.

"Your magic continues to grow in leaps and bounds. I'm impressed," Malleus commented once he entered the lounge. He carried a small bowl of mixed fruit and a steaming mug. "Still, you need to rest, my love. I can imagine the exhausting day you're going to have."

"Well, aren't you sweet, Malleus? Taking care of your lady," Lilia noted.

"As he should. Otherwise he has me to deal with," Grim threatened.

After Malleus gave me a few more pieces of fruit. I noticed a cut running along his cheek, partially curtained by a segment of his hair, "Mal, can you come down for a second?"

He slightly bent his knees, lowering himself for me to reach his face. I softly ran my fingertip along the length of the cut while sending a gentle current of healing magic. The injury mended itself in an instant.

I finished up my work by planting a soft peck on his cheek, "All better."

"You sure about that?" Grim snickered. "Maybe you should do a more thorough examination on your prince, Cassandra. He could have other injuries."

I shot a glare at my familiar.

"Rest assured, I'm alright," Malleus brought the steaming cup closer to me. "For now, you should drink this before it becomes cold."

I took a sip of the warm jasmine green tea sweetened with honey.

"Is it to your liking?" Malleus searched for my approval. "We also have some berry hibiscus tea I can prepare for you."

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